
The invasion of Ukraine one year on

As Russia's barbaric invasion of Ukraine approaches its one-year anniversary, Fred Leplat writes about the ongoing battle and why Western leftists should continue to support the Ukrainian resistance.

Russian Socialist Movement — We Say: War on War!

Russian Socialist Movement — On the one-year anniversary of this war, we call all those who yearn for peace to turn out for demonstrations and rallies against Putin’s invasion. Unfortunately, not all the “peace” rallies taking place next weekend will be actions of solidarity with Ukraine. A large part of the left in the West does not understand the nature of this war and advocates compromise with Putinism.
PSM Ukraine

Socialist Party of Malaysia: The Russian invasion of Ukraine — One year on

Choo Chon Kai — World opinion is divided on the question of war in Ukraine, and so is the Left internationally. Most people on the political Left are against the war, but differ on many questions related to the war and actions that needed to be taken.
Michael Lebowitz

On Michael Lebowitz's 'Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy Of The Working Class'

Madelaine Moore — 'Beyond Capital' helps us to understand why capitalism continues to persist despite endless crises, by drawing our attention to the messiness of human beings and the multiple circuits that reproduce capitalism as a complex and contradictory totality.
Jina Mehsa Amini

Should the Kurds prepare for another betrayal in Iran's revolution?

The death of a Kurdish woman, Jina Mehsa Amini, on 16th of September has produced one of the most powerful uprisings in Iran to date. Jina’s murder has sparked an internal dialogue in relation to Iranian identity politics, and resulted in uncomfortable discussions around what ‘Iranian freedom’ entails.
Duran Kalkan

Duran Kalkan (Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union): 'The revolution in East Kurdistan and Iran brings a change in mentality and lifestyle'

Duran Kalkan, member of the Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council, speaks about the most important developments in 2022, strengths and weaknesses of the different parts of the global democratic forces, likely developments for 2023 and how "the revolution in East Kurdistan and Iran brought a change in mentality and lifestyle."
Nigeria protest

'Whoever wins we must continue to fight' – Nigeria’s Socialist Labour activist on the coming election

Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) speaks to Nigerian socialist and activist, Alex Batubo, about the elections this month, and the political and economic situation in the country.
Sivarajan Arumugam

Malaysia after GE-15: ‘A government with no direction,’ says Socialist Party of Malaysia

Sivarajan Arumugam, Secretary-General of the Socialist Party of Malaysia, spoke with B. Skanthakumar on the general election, the PSM’s participation in that campaign, its assessment of the new government and the PSM’s plans in the months ahead.
Turkey earthquake

Earthquake in Turkey: The state versus the people (plus urgent call for solidarity from Peoples' Democratic Party)

Sarah Glynn — When Ertuğrul Kürkçü, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) honorary president, writes about ‘transforming earthquake solidarity into a social movement’, he is not talking about an abstract idea but a political practice. 
Ukraine arms

No arms to Ukraine? The Russian invasion and the task of US socialists

Nate Moore explains why U.S. based socialists should not be opposing arms to Ukraine despite the inter-imperialist dynamics unleashed by the Russian invasion.
Ukraine Nato flag

Ukraine and the ‘neutrality’ of the anti-NATOists

Alfons Bech — A united and peaceful Europe starts by supporting the victim of aggression and looking for the best way out of this war. Peace with justice and respect for international law and human rights.
Alternative für Deutschland

Alternative für Deutschland: A decade of right-wing radicalization

Gerd Wiegel — Ten years after its founding, the Alternative für Deutschland shows no sign of moderating its politics.