Strike strategy today

Verizon workers on strike in Washington, DC in August 2011 By Tim Goulet June 19, 2016 –

Soweto forty years on: The Black student rebellion of 1976

By Professor Noor Nieftagodien June 18, 2016 —

What the state owes mothers, parents and women

All India Progressive Women's Ass

Greening the Revolution: a documentary about food justice

June 16, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – This high-definition documentary explores the far-reac

When France moves, all of Europe shakes

Masses of mainly young people continue to occupy the Pla

Spain: Can the Left’s economic plan turn back austerity?

The left-wing coalition Unidos Podemos (United We Can), is currently polling over 25% and looks set to surpas

Socialism as an alternative: Reflections on ‘Socialism for the 21st Century’ international conference

Radhika Menon, a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, was a keynote speaker at the

Austerity, racism and the EU referendum in Britain

Nigel Farage, leader of the far-right UK Independence Party (UKIP), has been among the key figu

Machiavelli and the primacy of politics

By Doug Enaa GreeneDedicated to my friend Destiney Linker. 
June 10, 2016 – Links International Journ