What is to be done with the banks? Radical proposals for radical changes

By John Weeks, Eric Toussaint, Stavros Tombazos, Pritam Singh, Benjamin Selwyn

The heroic deed: myth and revolution

Che Guevara By Doug Enaa Greene April 21, 2016 –

UPDATED: France: Nuit Debout’s call to action; Reflections on 'Nuit Debout'

Vive la révolution: demonstrators gather in Place de la République, Paris, for a nocturnal sit-in

On the “Philosophy” of “Dialectical Materialism”

Lenin was completely wrong when he stated in his classic work, Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, that 'All these p

Party of Socialism and Freedom (Brazil) - Why we voted against the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff

PSOL legislator Jean Wyllys speaking out against the vote to impeach Dilma Rousseff By

The Left Hook: The Marxism of Sidney Hook

Doug Enaa Greene speaking at the Center for Marxist Education, in Cambridge, MA, on Sidney Hook as a Marxist thinker. By Doug

John Bellamy Foster answers three questions on Marxism and ecology

In the present planetary epoch, the concept of sustainable human development, as a way of co

Cuba’s Medical Mission

By Don Fitz
John M.

A left-wing refugee policy for the European Union

Gabi Zimmer, chair of European United Left - Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL)  April 16, 2016 –

Resistance, citizens assemblies and the rise of a French indignes movement

April 17, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Throughout the month of March 2016, French students and workers met on the streets to protest a proposed labor law reform and the prolonging of the state of siege, neither of which Presi