Does Ireland need a new left party?

"We have a multiplicity of left parties [in Ireland] of the traditional types... All have maxed out their potential in their present form.

Australia: Socialist Alliance's 'International Political Perspectives' resolution

"Despite repeated warnings from the majority of the world's scientists of the urgent need to slash greenhouse gas emission, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere passed over 400 parts per million for the first time in human history – signalling the globe’s dangerous race to ca

Australia: Socialist Alliance's 'Australian Political Perspectives' resolution

More than 100,000 people mobilised across Australia for “March in March” 2014, in more tha

Spanish state: ‘Podemos has won new people over to the left, to oppose neoliberal policies’ -- United Left

Federal coordinator of the United Left in the Spanish state, Cayo Lara.

A class analysis of the Ukrainian crisis

US Republican and Democrat politicians on the stage at the Maidan Square.

Mexico: Subcomandante Marcos steps down: What's next for the Zapatistas

Zapatistas observe the 20th anniversary of the 1994 rebellion in January 2014.