Sudan military

Sudan: More than a domestic conflict

Saskia Jaschek — It is impossible to understand the war in Sudan without accounting for the regional and international interests involved.
Iran Israel

Gilbert Achcar: The coming Israeli attack on Iran (Plus: ‘Tehran found itself backed into a corner by the attack on its consulate’)

Gilbert Achcar — There is little doubt that Israel will respond to Iran’s launch of three hundred and twenty drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles on its territory with a major attack on Iran, and this for several reasons.

Global crisis, conflict and war: What internationalism for the 21st century?

Pierre Rousset provides an overview of the unfolding “polycrisis” the world is immersed in.
Ramaphosa Palestine

South Africa: Unlike ANC governments, we must practice consistent, inclusive solidarity and internationalism

Dale T McKinley — We need to speak out and mobilising against injustice, oppression and exploitation wherever they occur.
Taras Bilous

‘If we didn’t join the armed forces, the left in Ukraine would cease to exist,’ says Taras Bilous

An interview with Taras Bilous, a Ukrainian historian and essayist who has served in the Ukrainian army since the beginning of the Russian aggression.
European elections

European elections: A radical, unitary and democratic left for a real alternative

Struggles must not only be a defensive reaction, but build “a new political force, stronger and more popular than what organizations and struggles represent today.”
Indian rupees

Capitalism, corporates, cronies and common people in India’s ‘new democracy’ on sale: The case of the electoral bond scheme

Raju J Das — In India’s complex and increasingly autocratic political landscape, Hindu supremacism is in a mutually beneficial alliance with corporates against democracy.
CPIML manifesto

India: CPI(ML) Liberation releases Manifesto for Lok Sabha elections 2024

CPI(ML) Liberation has released its Lok Sabha Election manifesto with the clarion call to end the disastrous and dictatorial Modi reign of corporate loot, communal hate and constitutional subversion.
Malaysia burning

Malaysia: Is the Madani government playing fiddle while the nation burns?

Ilaiya Barathi Panneerselvam — Malaysia’s rising temperature, grappling with racial and religious polemics, is, unfortunately, not new.
antifascist protest

Brazil: The International Antifascist Conference in Porto Alegre and the challenge of confronting the far right

Israel Dutra & Roberto Robaina — The first International Antifascist Conference will be held May 17-19, as a united initiative of the PSOL, PT, MST and several other organizations and social movements.
white civilisation

Colonization and surplus: The origins of race and class

Zara Jemuel — Capitalism’s white supremacist roots run as deep as its colonial origins.
Ukraine Palestine occupation is a crime

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires (plus: No path to peace in Ukraine through this fantasy world)

Simon Pirani — What can we, in the labour and social movements, do about these two conflicts that are transforming the world we live in, and heightening fears of bigger, bloodier wars?