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Resistance and Solidarity. The Left Volunteer Movement in the Russo-Ukrainian War

Before the full-scale war, the Ukrainian left movement was neither considered influential nor had a party or national representation, backboned by a strong community. However, the Russian invasion made leftists look for new contacts and approaches. Spokespeople of leftist and anarchist organizations elaborate on the experience of resistance.
Russian mobilisation

Putin's Russia: War fatigue sweeps the ranks

Boris Kagarlitsky - The main problem for the Kremlin authorities is not bad news from the front, but the growing crisis in the rear.

A rightful place for Taiwan in this planet

Au Loong-Yu - Taiwanese people are the smaller player in this great contest between China and the US, easily bullied or betrayed by either this or that superpower. Precisely because of this the international left must ask themselves: Who should be our first concern in this triangular relationship between Beijing, Taipei and Washington?

The failure of COP27 and the alternative to capitalism

Sonny Melencio - Greta Thunberg, a well-known Swedish climate activist, criticized the global summit as a forum of “greenwashing” that is not really meant to change the whole system but encourages only paltry changes. Thunberg’s statement highlights the position taken by a growing number of Left activists in the Philippines who are coming together soon to launch a movement called ecosocialism. 
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Drought, heat wave and revolution

Daniel Tanuro - Global warming, extreme severity of drought in Europe, heat waves, snowball effect (or cascading reactions) among all these crisis factors... Risk of sudden changes in ocean circulation with incalculable consequences... This article addresses three points: the explanation of this incontestable observation, the possible evolution, and the policies to be implemented.
Emiliano Di Cavalcanti (Brazil), Projeto de Mural (‘Mural Project’), 1950.

Brazilian peasant leader: ‘Capital’s attack on nature endangers humanity’

João Pedro Stedile - Today, humanity is at risk because of senseless social inequality, attacks on the environment, and an unsustainable consumption pattern in rich countries that is imposed on us by capitalism and its profit-seeking mentality.
Workers Voice

Labor and the Left in Azerbaijan: An Interview with the Worker’s Voice Collective

LeftEast editors met our Azerbaijani comrades at LevFem’s/Transnational Social Strike’s conference in September 2022 in Sofia. As we knew almost nothing of the left in that country, we asked them for an interview, and they generously obliged.

Armenia-Azerbaijan: The Karabakh fault line

Karl Lebt - How has the Russian invasion of Ukraine affected the dynamics of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan? What choice did the Armenian leadership face? On the prospects for a Nagorno-Karabakh settlement.
Mai Villadsen leader of the far left Enhedlisten party

Denmark 2022: A landslide election

Reinout Bosch - The Danish election was truly historic: consolidated parties have fallen from grace, new ones have stormed into parliament, and never before have so many voters shifted their alliances between parties in the months leading up to the election.
Swedish ballots

Sweden’s new government – a dystopian nightmare

Petter Nilsson - The political results of the Swedish election are in, and they bear all the hallmarks of a bad dystopian novel. The new government will be composed of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, and – in all ways except appointed ministers – the far-right Sweden Democrats.
Ukraine flag

Ukraine, self-determination, and the national question

Bill Fletcher Jr., Bill Gallegos, Jamala Rogers - The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been met with strange responses on the part of segments of the USA Left and among many progressives.  While, generally speaking, there has been a strong condemnation of the Russian invasion, there has simultaneously been a tendency to excuse the Russian invasion and place the responsibility for the aggression solely on the US government (and NATO).  Not only is such an analysis factually inaccurate, but it arises from an analytical error rooted in a downplaying of the entire issue of the right of nations to self-determination.

(Video) Ukrainian and Russian academics discuss the war

Debates over the proper approach to the Russo-Ukrainian War have dominated much of the year. Yet discussions within the western left have not always featured the perspectives of Ukrainians and Russians themselves. The Real News Network board member Bill Fletcher, in partnership with Haymarket Books, hosts a panel with Ukrainian and Russian academics.