Menshevism: The Girondins of 1917

By Doug Enaa Greene April 25, 2018
— Links Internat

México: La izquierda debata las elecciones presidenciales

Originally published in English on Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Philippines: The emergence of a united left opposition to Duterte

Two articles looking at the rise of Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses),

Pakistan: Revival of the left

By Rashed Rahman March 30, 2018

Russia’s elections: views from the left

By Volodya Vagner March 29, 2018
— Links Inte

Lenin for today

Lenin for Today
By John Molyneux
Bookmarks, 2017
289 pages
£12.99; $44.01

Trump’s new militarism

During the 2016 US election campaign Donald Trump promised a