The threat of wider wars in the Middle East and the responsibilities of socialists
By Frieda Afary
June 24, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Alliance of Middle East Socialists — On June fifth, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt suddenly cut off diplomatic and trade ties with Qatar and closed
their borders to it. The reason stated for this decision was Qatar’s
support for the Muslim Brotherhood movement as well as Qatar’s friendly
relations with the Iranian government. Donald Trump subsequently sent
out a tweet in which he took credit for this move: “So good to see the
Saudi Arabia visit with the king and 50 countries already paying off.”
Turkey immediately announced its support for Qatar and accelerated
legislation to send more troops to its military base in that
country. It also called on Saudi Arabia to end this crisis. The
Iranian government announced that its air space and land borders were
open to Qatar in order to prevent a blockade against it.
Subsequently, on June 11, the Iranian navy sent two battleships to
the coast of Oman.
Theresa May’s Katrina: Grenfell Tower and the election outcome that wasn't supposed to happen
By Sheila Cohen and Kim Moody
June 23, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Solidarity (US) — We live in a north London street which, despite its impressive 19th
century architecture, is peopled mainly by “council tenants” (public
housing residents). This is largely due to the left-of-center politics
of the local council (government), which bought up large areas of such
housing in the 1970s, limiting “development” and gentrification, and
preserving much of the working class population. Perhaps as a result
Labour MP Emily Thornberry, a strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, was
re-elected with an increased majority of over 20,000 votes--63% against
the Conservative’s 21%. Nationally, Labour won 30 new seats and
increased its vote by 3.5 million and the Conservatives lost their
Jose Carlos Mariategui 87 Years Later
By Marc Becker
June 23, 2017 — Links International J
1917: The View from the Streets #12 & 13 - A Bolshevik appeal finds an echo in the streets
The banners read: "World peace. All power to the people. All land to the people."
Conceptualising Cuban socialism
By Helen Yaffe
June 19, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted f
They told us ‘elections are won from the centre’. We’ll never believe them again
By James Fox
June 15, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from
Richard Seymour on British elections: Where we go from here
By Richard Seymour
June 15, 2017 — Links International Journal of Soc