The Spanish state versus Catalonia: a decisive battle has begun

People wave pro-independence flags as they gather outside the Parliament of Catalonia in Barcelona.
Portugal: 'Europe is very concerned' as new gov't likely short-lived
Portuguese Prime Minist
India Today (Part Two of Three-Part Series)
Workers taking part in a two-day general strike in 2013 involving more than 100 million people.
YPG statement in reaction to Amnesty report
Read more about the Kurdish struggle
India Yesterday: Development and Revolution (Part 1 of Three-Part Series)

Catalonia: Half-won independence battle guarantees harsher war with Spanish state
More than 1.4 million p
SYRIZA’s Pyrrhic victory, and the future of the left in Greece
Syriza supporters celebrate re-election of Alexis Tsipras as Greece's president.
Is Maduro taking Chavismo down the pragmatic path? An interview with Steve Ellner (part 2)
Steve Ellner addresses a forum in 2014 on Chavismo in Caracas, Venezuela.
Naomi Klein: 'Now is not the time for small steps. Now is the time for boldness'
Speech given by Naomi Klein (pictured) on Sept