Venezuela: Workers' control congress: 'neither capitalists nor bureaucrats, all power to the working class'

Publicity for the congress, which declares: “neither capitalists nor bureaucrats, all power to the working class”.

By Ewan Robertson, Mérida

June 24, 2013 -- – Activists from across the Venezuelan labour movement met June 21-23, 2013, for the country’s first ever "workers’ congress", where workers discussed workplace democracy and the construction of socialism.

Brazil: Is 'Lulism' over?

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva with Dilma Rousseff.

[For more on Brazil, click HERE.]

André Singer interviewed by Guilherme Evelin for Revista Epoca, translated for Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal by Federico Fuentes

June 23, 2013 -- André Singer, the person who developed the concept of “Lulism”, says that the recent street protests have opened up a long cycle of mobilisations that will force the government and the country to make some crucial decisions.

South Africa: ANC sees 'Swedes and Irish' behind miners' anger; Solidarity forces ANC back-down

Liv Shange returns to South Africa, July 14, 2013.

By Terry Bell, Cape Town

'The fate of Syria must not be decided by foreign powers or forces'

Non-violent Syrian demonstrators, July 2011. Photo: AP.

By Thomas Harrison and Joanne Landy

Free Fare Movement to Brazil president: 'What matters is meeting the demands of the social movements'

Military police fire on protesters in Sao Paulo. Photograph: Sebastiao Moreira/EPA.