India opposition unity

India: The challenge of opposition unity

CPI(ML) Liberation — If India has to be saved from lapsing into a full-scale electoral autocracy where the ruling BJP dreams of ruling for 50 years and subjecting multi-party democracy to a single-party straitjacket, a united and assertive political opposition is a must.
Kohei panel

The idea of degrowth communism was Marx’s last breakthrough — and perhaps most important

Peter Boyle — While researching later volumes of 'Capital', Marx began to realize that it wouldn’t be enough to repurpose capitalist growth for human ends. Instead, to heal metabolic rifts in nature, a communist society would need to slow down and touch grass.
Supporters of the Swedish Left Party march through Malmö on International Workers’ Day, 1 May 2023.

Sweden in NATO — And then what?

Jonas Sjöstedt — The Left is correct to oppose the military alliance, but must now stake out a position within it
Greg Wilpert

Why sanctions? A conversation with Gregory Wilpert

Venezuela is the target of a brutal economic blockade. Gregory Wilpert helps us understand why.

Who wants to be Mussolini? Right-wing populism Russian-style

Boris Kagarlitsky — The repeated failures of the Russian army, combined with scandalous events such as the appearance of Ukrainian drones over elite suburbs of Moscow, have caused something akin to patriotic hysteria among supporters of the war.
tudents, workers and security personnel at the American University in Cairo on strike. Photo: Hossam el-Hamalawy

The rise and fall (and rise and fall) of the Egyptian Left – Part 4

Phil Butland and Helena Zohdi interview Hossam el-Hamalawy about the history of the Egyptian Left.

AI, Marxism & productive forces

Michael Pröbsting — Many Marxists discuss the advantages and disadvantages of AI primarily from a technical point of view. Such an approach is the result of a theoretical wrong understanding of the relationship between productive forces and the relations of production.
Saito review

Kohei Saito's 'Marx in the Anthropocene'

The joys and pitfalls of degrowth communism – Gus Woody reviews an important new book on ecosocialism.
US dollar

Crisis, rivalry, and the fragmentation of global capitalism: Interview with Michael Roberts

Ashley Smith interviews Michael Roberts about the system’s seemingly intractable crisis, the looming threat of war between great powers, and the desperate need for international working-class solidarity against militarism.
YPJ fighters

Ten years of YPJ: The history and role of the Women's Defense Units in North and East Syria and beyond

The YPJ Information and Documentation Office has published a booklet to mark the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Women's Defense Units.
Egypt protests

The rise and fall (and rise and fall) of the Egyptian Left – Part 3

Phil Butland and Helena Zohdi recently interviewed Hossam el-Hamalawy about the history of the Egyptian Left.
Clifton D' Rozario

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation leader: ‘Modi represents an Indian brand of fascism’

Clifton D' Rozario, a leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, talks to Jacob Andrewartha about the rise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and how the left is fighting back against his Indian brand of fascism.