Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance formed (plus founding statement)

First published in Ukrainian at Sotsialnyi Rukh. Translation by LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal.
Social Movement is a co-founder of the Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance (CEEGLA). This association includes political parties and civil society organisations that advocate for a just, left-wing and social Europe as well as corresponding policies in their countries.
The creation of this new structure was announced on January 12, 2024, during a briefing in the Sejm [parli ment] of the Republic of Poland. Social Movement was represented there by Viktoria Pigul, a member of its Council from Kyiv.
The newly formed coalition includes: Budoucnost (Alliance for the Future, Czech Republic), Demos (Democracy and Solidarity Party, Romania), KARTU (Together, Lithuania), Razem (Left Together, Poland), Szikra Mozgalom (Spark Movement, Hungary), and Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement, Ukraine).
According to Zofia Malisz, project coordinator of Razem and member of the party's National Council, the voice of the Central Eastern European left has been almost unheard in the European Union so far. The creation of CEEGLA should change that. “We want to support each other in running for the European Parliament, to strengthen the voice of the young green left, from the Baltic Sea to the Balkans,” she explained.
All of these political forces believe that the roots of the economic, social and climate crises can be found in the logic of the capitalist system.
“In contrast to those who see public services as expensive and undeserved, we value them — health, education and social protection — as the key to a society based on equality, solidarity and dignity,” the new alliance’s website says. “We are committed to building a strong, diverse and sustainable economy that works for all. We are raising our voices to shape a European and global economy that is people-centred. The idea that our region is merely a capitalist testing ground for the semi-periphery of Europe and the world order must be rejected.”
CEEGLA describes itself as “a new generation that experienced disillusionment after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and subsequent capitalist transition. We have neither nostalgia for the previous regimes nor illusions about the nature of the failed neoliberal project being implemented in our region. We need to move forward, not backwards. We support European integration and the development of a democratic, social and sustainable Europe” — these are the values of the alliance.
Among CEEGLA’s top priorities is countering Russian aggression, which is destroying Ukraine and threatening the entire region. “The only reason why Russian troops have not yet attacked Poland or Romania is because of the US troops deployed there. We are convinced that the countries of our region must jointly build their own subjectivity and strength,” said Pigul. “I am not just talking about military strength. Russia is exploiting the weaknesses of European countries — the climate and housing crisis, the deterioration of living standards and the rise of the far right,” she warned. “Without addressing these issues, we cannot ensure our security.”
Razem MP Maciej Konieczny emphasised “today Ukraine still needs European solidarity, it needs economic, financial and military support to repel Russian aggression and protect our security. As you know, since the first days of the full-scale invasion, the Polish left has been advocating for the cancellation of Ukraine's foreign debt to ensure a sustainable future for our country.”
Social Movement hopes that consolidating relations with allies from the Central Eastern European region will help Ukrainian people receive the defence supplies needed to strengthen our defence, reinforce social priorities in the process of European integration, and guide post-war reconstruction in the interests of the whole society.
We thank our comrades from Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary for supporting us in this difficult time for Ukraine and for offering to develop the left at the international level!
We urge everyone to follow updates on the official website of the association ceegla.org and on the social media network X.
Central Eastern European Green Left Alliance
First published at CEEGLA.
Who we are
Our parties, movements and citizen groups emerged after the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009. We are a new generation, which has experienced the disillusions after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, and the capitalist transition which followed. We have no nostalgia for the previous regimes, nor do we have any illusions regarding the nature of the failed neoliberal project implemented throughout our region. We must go forward, not back. We support European integration and the building of a democratic, social and sustainable Europe.
Our generation witnessed many wars. The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine is a stark reminder that democracy and self-determination can never be taken for granted.
We have also seen increased state brutality, surveillance, and inhuman border regimes. Instead of building bridges to help those in need, our elites built fences and instilled fear.
Our roots are in society, not in oligarchies and systems of power. We work with citizens, civil society, labour movements and community groups to build alternatives and meaningful alliances. Our members and partners learn from each other, develop their organisations and create transnational solidarity around our values and struggles. We will join efforts with like-minded forces to offer hope and a guide to action at the regional and global levels.
Our vision
Having witnessed and lived through three decades of brutal capitalist transformation, we say our rights, dignity, communities, planet and future are more important than profit and enrichment of a small global elite.
As opposed to those who see them as costly and undeserved, we treasure public services — healthcare, education, and social protection, as the key to societies based on equality, solidarity and dignity.
We seek to build strong, diverse and sustainable economies which work for everyone. We raise our voices to shape the European and global human-centered economies. The idea that our region is just a capitalist testing ground on the semi-periphery of Europe and the global order must be discarded. It belongs to the past and the past alone.
We support civil society, trade unions, NGOs and mass media organisations in maintaining healthy democracies. We stand against authoritarian leaders, which bend the rules in their favour, crush opposition and dissent.
We build solidarity, equality and hope. We are against division, inequality and fear; and against the use of ‘nation’ and ‘faith’ as weapons against minorities and fundamental rights. We need to push forward ambitious and brave climate plans. It is high time to stop the destruction of our planet for the gain of a tiny minority. We need to focus on building our shared wealth, safety and health in a clean and stable environment. For our generation and for the generations to come.
Drawing on our intertwined histories, we seek to strengthen the ties between our movements and organizations and work together toward:
- A democratic and sustainable economy working for everyone — an egalitarian society based on a just distribution of wealth and resources.
- Politics for the people, by the people, free of corporate interest, political oligarchies and authoritarianism.
- An economy in favour of the working people — better pay, secure jobs, strong labour rights, and a proper work-life balance.
- Democracy at work. Support for independent trade unions, collective bargaining, worker co-determination, as well as co-operatives as alternative forms of economic organization.
- Fiscal policies that can finance progressive social agendas both on a national and a regional level, breaking with the neoliberal politics of debt and austerity.
- Active policies for the conservation ecosystems and biodiversity. Protection of global common goods, responsible and sustainable management of water resources and land.
- A socially just, inclusive, sustainable and state-driven transition to a carbon-neutral society.
- Solid welfare systems and public services. Access to quality and affordable housing, strong public education and healthcare. Public pension systems which guarantee a dignified life for the elderly.
- Equal societies, free of marginalisation, discrimination and hate. Full respect and support for all fundamental human rights. Full political, economic, social and cultural participation of all minorities.
- Technology benefiting people, not corporations. A digital economy that empowers and creates opportunities. Data should be a common good serving social development, not a commodity enriching the few.
- Free and robust civil society organisations, independent, public and critical mass media.
- Democratisation of municipal governance. Vibrant local democracies. Protection and expansion of public spaces.
- A European Union built as a community of democracies, bound by solidarity and social values, fighting inequalities, disparities and poverty.
- A Central-Eastern European voice calling both within the EU and on a global scale for a social and economic model based on principles of social justice and solidarity. Fully-fledged Social Europe, reigning in capitalism and corporate abuse.
- International solidarity, global justice and consistent anti-imperialism. International cooperation based on principles of human rights and democracy.
- A comprehensive view of human security that engages with dangers to the environment, public health or social wellbeing alongside humanitarian or military threats.
- Democratic control, oversight and accountability over defence spending, policy and armed forces.