Rojava: Syria's secret revolution (BBC Our World)

[For more on the struggle of the Kurdish people, click HERE.]

November 14, 2014 -- BBC -- Is the Middle East’s newest country a territory called “Rojava”? Out of the chaos of Syria’s civil war, mainly Kurdish leftists have forged an egalitarian, multi-ethnic mini-state run on communal lines.

But with ISIS jihadists attacking them at every opportunity — especially around the beleaguered city of Kobane, how long can this idealistic social experiment last? From the frontlines to the refugee camps, Mehran Bozorgnia filmed in Rojava for the BBC's Our World and has gained exclusive access and a revealing snapshot of Syria’s secret revolution.

COPYRIGHT: Mehran Bozorgnia / Bozorgnia Films / 2014


i wonder in Syria the islamic country after the revolution the women had to defend their country by all possible ways they can get and kurdish are involved too .
i hope things get better soon .