Democratic Union Party (Syria)

Salih Muslim

Salih Muslim: The Kurdish perspective on Syria’s future

Salih Muslim outlines the challenges facing Syria after the regime’s collapse, emphasising the importance of addressing the Kurdish issue for a democratic and stable Middle East.

Salih Muslim (Democratic Unity Party) on dialogue with HTS and Turkey, and Rojava’s example for a democratic and inclusive Syria

Salih Muslim reflects on Kurdish autonomy, Turkey’s role in Syria, and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham’s transitional government as pivotal elements shaping the country’s future and prospects for peace.

Syria: Rojava offers a way forward

Kurdish fighters in Rojava.

By Tony Iltis

May 9, 2015 -- Green Left Weekly, posted at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- War planes from the US and its allies bombed the village of Birmehli in northern Syria on the night of April‭ ‬30.‭ ‬US Central Command spokesperson Major Curtis Kellogg claimed that at least‭ ‬50‭ ‬fighters from the self-styled Islamic State‭ (‬IS‭) ‬group were killed and there was‭ “‬no indication that any civilians were killed‭”‬.