Brazil’s social movements oppose institutional coup against Dilma Rousseff, demand ‘Temer Out’

Brazil Popular Front: The popular vote has been usurped by parliamentarians seeking to seize political power
The majority of the Federal Senate, in approving the opening of impeachment proceedings against the President of the Republic, has capitulated in the face of the oligarchy’s coup against the Constitution, and become an accomplice in the flagrant breach of the democratic order.The popular vote has been usurped by parliamentarians seeking to seize political power. Acting without the backing of elections, they are part of the coalition of conservative forces that came together to establish an illegitimate government at the service of large local and international economic groups.The opening of proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff, the reason for her temporary removal, is nothing more than a farce: with no crime of responsibility having been committed, it is simply a means towards inflicting heavy setbacks on workers and Brazilian workers. The intentions of the coup leaders have been openly declared: reduce wages, end the policy of increasing the minimum wage, cut spending on social programs, eliminate civil rights, privatise state enterprises, reduce public investment, annul constitutionally-imposed expenditure on health and education, abdicate national sovereignty in the face of imperialist centres.To fulfil this anti-people and anti-national program, they will not hesitate to go beyond the institutional coup in progress, adopting measures of criminalisation and repression against democratic resistance, social movements and progressive parties. The Popular Brazil Front calls on workers from the city and countryside, on intellectuals and artists committed to freedom, on youth and women to reject this attack on democracy, in all centres of study, workplaces and communities.We are all united under the slogan “Temer Out“: there will only be peace when government is restored to those who received a constitutional mandate at the last elections. The coup will be defeated in the streets and institutions. We will continue pressuring the senators until the day of the final vote. We will continue demanding that the Supreme Court express its opinion on the merits of the impeachment. Concomitantly, we will defend the social gains made to date and react against the unpatriotic agenda of usurpers. Once again in our history, the Brazilian people have the mission of returning the country to the rule of law and a democratic regime through their own actions. Brasilia, May 12, 2016Landless Workers’ Movement (MST): This is an anti-democratic and institutional coup that disrespects the will of 54 million people
The Landless Workers' Movement (MST) publicly expresses its rejection and dissatisfaction regarding the decision of the Federal Senate, this Thursday (12), to approve the process of impeachment against President Dilma Rousseff and temporarily remove her from her post. We are sure, as stated in the impeachment text, that the President did not commit any crime of responsibility via “fiscal pedalling”. If she had, then the process should also include the vice-president who has now assumed power, Michel Temer, and Senator Anastasia, former governor of Minas. This is an institutional and anti-democratic coup that disrespects the will of 54 million voters and that was orchestrated by the most conservative sectors of society, particularly the neoliberal business community that is subservient to the interests of US companies. It is a coup supported by a permanent campaign by the mass corporate media - especially Globo - and the selective and media-focused actions of sectors of the judiciary. The coup endorsed by the Senate not only disrespects the opinion of the population as to who should be the head of state, but, as announced by the usurper vice-president, intends to apply a regressive, neoliberal program which stirs up sad memories among the Brazilian people of the former Collor-FHC governments. This would represent an anti-popular step backward and a social regression that has repeatedly been rejected by the majority at the polls. Unable to live with democracy and submit themselves to the popular will, the elites have removed the president without any evidence of a crime, simply to impose its project of social cuts, unemployment and privatisation. The "Bridge over the recession," proposed by the coup leader Michel Temer, will only accentuate the social and economic crises and deepen political instability in the country. Similarly, given its history, the new government does not represent a break with the corrupt methods that have been denounced in the streets. We hope that the Senate will redeem itself when it has to judge the merits of the impeachment process. And if it does proceed, the democratic and anti-coup party forces should appeal to the Supreme Court. Brazilian society knows we are facing an economic, political, social and environmental crisis. This crisis will not be overcome with coups. What is needed is a broad debate in society that brings together the majority of the popular and social forces, to find ways to build a new project for the country to confront the crisis. Regarding the existing political crisis, we believe together with the other popular movements, that the only genuine way out is a deep political reform that returns to the people the right to choose their legitimate representatives. The current Congress has no conditions or political will to bring this about. Hence the need for the Senate to approve a plebiscite to give the people the right to convene a constituent assembly, which will culminate in a political reform and the holding of general elections under democratic conditions. The MST will remain mobilised in defence of democracy and social rights, together with the Popular Brazil Front and the thousands of workers who do not accept the coup. We will always remain in the fight against landlordism and agribusiness, for popular agrarian reform and the constitutional right of all rural workers to land and a dignified life in the countryside. No to the coup! Temer out! MST National CoordinationBrasilia, May 12, 2016
Brazil: No to Temer’s government imposed by an corrupt Congress
Brazil: No to Temer’s government imposed by an corrupt Congress – No more austerity! General elections now!
Friday 13 May 2016, by Socialist Left Movement/Party of Socialism and Freedom MES/PSOL
Brazil’s new president Michel Temer took office on May 12th. The reestructuring of admnistration was announced on Thursday, only hours after the Senate voted to suspend the mandate and put on trial Dilma Rousseff,. The 55 votes to begin an impeachment trial reveals that there is substantial majority to condemn definitively the Workers’ Party (PT) leader in September or October.
The reactionary maneuver has been consolidated. The bourgeoise is united through its communications media, its parties and its ideological apparatuses to support the Temer’s government as a solution to the deep political crisis.
Dilma gave a speech on the same narrative basis that PT has been talked so much about in recent period. Escorted by Lula, Katia Abreu and others former ministers, Dilma attacked Temer, claiming that her government has never suppressed the social movements. She seems to forgot that her own pen has sanctioned anti-terrorism law, sent National Force troops to end protests in Jirau and placed the repressive apparatuses and intelligence services to dismantle the protests during the FIFA Soccer World Cup.
On Thursday afternoon, Michel Temer filled his cabinet, signaling a strong commitment with the most hardcore right-wing of bourgeoise. That is the password to intensify the attacks against working class and provide estability for the elites.
Temer’s cabinet is reactionary and outdated. They are all men. The Democratas party (successor to the governing Arena during the militar dictatorship) is in charge of the Ministry of Education/Culture. The Minister of Justice represents the most “truculent” right-wing. Therefore, Temer shows his “anti-people”bias.
Achilles’ heel of new government is the fact that seven ministers are being investigated by Operation Lava Jato. This government, despite the speech about fighting against corruption, has almost a dozen of investigated ministers. It is no coincidence that Fábio Medina was appointed Attorney General. He advogated for Yeda Crusius, corrupt former governator of Rio Grande do Sul. Jucá, Padilha, Henrique Eduardo Alves and Geddel, the hard core of Temer’s government, are directly involved in lists and scandals.
Other detail that attracts attention are the 10 “new” ministers that have already participated in PT’s governments. The new architect of economic planning, Henrique Meirelles, was always a reliable economist to former president Lula.
The unpopular government tries to use the bourgeois unity, expressed in media support, to win people’s support. It bets on people’s exhaustion with the political crisis to enable an atmosphere that from now on things can improve. In the end, the economic indicators of Rousseff’s governments were so bad and the austerity so deep that there is a tendency to lower interest rates and reduce inflationary expectations. Temer’s government wants to take advantage of this situation and its influence of Congress to prepare structural changes that eliminates labour rights. We believe that the main task of PSOL, the left and the fighters is to build a struggle plan to resist Temer’s austerity.
The struggle of young students in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, spreading around the country and gaining more popular simpathy, is an example to be followed. Only through street protests and self-organised fights we will block the rights cuts which are on the PMDB’s agenda.
That is the our policy:
1) To build the workers’ struggle and youth movement, especially scholar occupations! To defeat the austerity against the people! Against any cut of pension and labour rights! Payment on time for public servants all over the country; salary increase! More resources in education and public health! More investment in popular housing and defence of social assistance!
2) Continuity of Operation Lava Jato! No muzzling of the investigations! Jail to Cunha and all corrupt politicians and corruptors! Confiscation of the goods! End of legal immunity to politicians!
3) Temer’s government is illegitimate and the Congress is corrupt: general elections now! We stand up for a national constituent assembly!
4) Down with the Cunha and Dilma’s gag law, which prevents the PSOL’s participation on TV debates! No to electoral threshold that Temer and PSDB prepare against PSOL and democratic rights!
5) All the support to PSOL’s candidates in municipal elections! To build a third field. Neither bourgeoisie nor PT’s bureaucracy! To buld a new democratic and anticapitalist left!
We will continue encouraging and supporting social struggles to resist the hard adjustament approaching.
Only the combination of street fighting with a political solution can take Brazil from this crisis.
National Secretariat of MES/PSOL, May 13th 2016.
* Traslation Fabiana Lontra.