Documents on the South African Communist Party

MIA: History: International: Comintern: Sections: South Africa:


South African Communist Party


No Labour Movement without the Black Proletariat, 1917
To the Workers of the Bantu Race, 1918
Manifesto of the Communist Party of South Africa, 1921
A Helots’ Bill of Rights, 1923
On the expulsion of Communists from the ICU, 1926
The South African Question, ECCI Resolution 1928
Our Annual Conference — An Inspiring Gathering, 1929
For Africanisation of the Party, 1934
100 Years “Emancipation of Slaves”, 1934
Refuse to Ship Goods to Abyssinia!, 1935
Fight the New Fascist Bill. Defend the Cape Native Franchise, 1935
For a United Front of the People Against Imperialism, 1935
Why the United Front Failed: Disruptive Role of the PAC, 1962
The road to South African Freedom, 1962
The Enemy Hidden Under the Same Colour, 1976
The Way Forward from Soweto, 1977
How to Master Secret Work, 1980
The Errors of Workerism, 1986
The transition to democracy and socialism, 1989
The Southern African Policy of the Soviet Union, 1990
Critical Review of Slovo’s “Has Socialism Failed?”, 1990
The Decline of Socialism in Eastern Europe, 1991
Ruth First Memorial Lecture, 2000
Chris Hani Memorial Lecture, 2003
On the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the SACP, 2004
State Power, CC Discussion document May 2006

Articles by Joe Slovo (1926-1995)

Archive of Works
The National Democratic Revolution, 1988
Has Socialism Failed?, 1989

Articles by Govan Mbeki (1910-2001)

Archive of Works

African National Congress


See also: S.A.C.P. Web Site.

Marxism and Anti-Imperialism in Africa