Following a crushing defeat, is the ANC-DA coalition a stabilising or aggravating factor in South Africa’s social and political crisis?

Mazibuko Jara and Gunnett Kaaf look at the implications of South Africa’s new coalition government for the African National Congress-South African Communist Party-Confederation of South African Trade Union Alliance, and for the broader polity.

South Africa’s ‘Government of Neoliberal Unity’ is constructed on shaky ground

Patrick Bond — Given declining living standards, an elite transition will not stick nearly as well as Nelson Mandela’s 1994-99 reign. It may be a matter of just months before the centre can no longer hold.
Mazibuko Jara

The ANC and South Africa’s radical left, 30 years after the first post-apartheid elections: An interview with Mazibuko Jara

Mazibuko Jara looks at the African National Congress’s (ANC) prospects of holding onto power after 30 years in office, and how some of the new right and left forces are likely to fare.
South African womens protest

South Africa: Prospects for a new Left

Amandla! Collective — Where is the Left? The Left exists. It is present in many of today’s struggles. But over time it has become quite marginal and isolated. A rebirth of the Left needs to start with coming to terms with this reality.