Greening the Revolution: a documentary about food justice
June 16, 2016 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – This high-definition documentary explores the far-reaching effects of international food injustice, from world hunger to the consumption of industrial food. Focusing on issues such as GMOs, farmer suicides, diabetes, migrant farm workers and hunger, the film turns to look at the resistance to harmful economic policies, amazing sustainable alternatives and organic agriculture practiced by brilliant small farmers, and the overall courage and hope found in the hearts of people refusing to accept a food system based on profits over human dignity.
Filmed in India, Kenya, Zambia, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and the United States, in "Greening the Revolution" features interviews with small farmers and revolutionaries from the Landless Workers Movement (Brazil), Zambia Womens Alliance, Coalition of Immokalee Workers (US), Zapatista communities in Chiapas Mexico and political intellectuals such as Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, and Vandana Shiva.
For more information or to support the film, visit