South African dockworkers announce ban on Israeli ship; Palestinians salute decision


The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) launch Week of Action for Palestine supported by the Young Communist League and other progressive organisations

February 3, 2009 -- In a historic development for South Africa, South African dock workers have announced their determination not to offload a ship from Israel that is scheduled to dock in Durban on Sunday, February 8, 2009. This follows the decision by COSATU to strengthen the campaign in South Africa for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against apartheid Israel.

The pledge by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) members in Durban reflects the commitment by South African workers to refuse to support oppression and exploitation across the globe.

Last year, Durban dock workers had refused to offload a shipment of arms that had arrived from China and was destined for Zimbabwe to prop up the Mugabe regime and to intensify the repression against the Zimbabwean people. Now, says SATAWU’s General Secretary Randall Howard, the union’s members are committing themselves to not handling Israeli goods.

SATAWU’s action on Sunday will be part of a proud history of worker resistance against apartheid. In 1963, just four years after the Anti-Apartheid Movement was formed, Danish dock workers refused to offload a ship with South African goods. When the ship docked in Sweden, Swedish workers followed suit. Dock workers in Liverpool and, later, in the San Francisco Bay Area also refused to offload South African goods. South Africans, and the South African working class in particular, will remain forever grateful to those workers who determinedly opposed apartheid and decided that they would support the anti-apartheid struggle with their actions.

Last week, Western Australian members of the Maritime Union of Australia resolved to support the campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and have called for a boycott of all Israeli vessels and all vessels bearing goods arriving from or going to Israel.

This is the legacy and the tradition that South African dock workers have inherited, and it is a legacy they are determined to honour, by ensuring that South African ports of entry will not be used as transit points for goods bound for or emanating from certain dictatorial and oppressive states such as Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Israel.

COSATU, the Palestine Solidarity Committee, the Young Communist League and a range of other organisations salute the principled position taken by these workers. We also take this opportunity to salute the millions of workers all over the world who have openly condemned and taken decisive steps to isolate apartheid Israel, a step that should send shockwaves to its arrogant patrons in the United States who foot the bill for Israel’s killing machine. We call on other workers and unions to follow suit and to do all that is necessary to ensure that they boycott all goods to and from Israel until Palestine is free.

We also welcome statements by various South African Jews of conscience who have dissociated themselves from the genocide in Gaza. We call on all South Africans to ensure that none of our family members are allowed to join the Israeli Occupation Forces’ killing machine.

In celebration of the actions of SATAWU members with regard to the ship from Israel, and in pursuance of the campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and our call on the South African government to sever diplomatic and trade relations with Israel, this coalition of organisations has declared a week of action beginning on Friday, February 6, 2009. The actions will be organised under the theme: FREE PALESTINE! ISOLATE APARTHEID ISRAEL! Activities that have already been confirmed for this week will include:

  • Friday, February 6: A protest outside the offices of the South African Zionist Federation and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 2 Elray Street, Raedene, off Louis Botha Avenue. Both these organisations unquestioningly supported the recent Israeli attacks against Gaza, and supported the massacre of civilians and the attacks on schools, mosques, ambulances and UN refugee centres. Protesters will be addressed by, among others, SATAWU General Secretary Randall Howard, and ex-minister Ronnie Kasrils. Protest starts at 14:00.
  • Friday, February 6: A picket outside parliament in Cape Town. COSATU members and solidarity activists will be joined by a number of members of parliament. Picket starts at 09:30.
  • Friday, February 6: A mass rally in Actonville, Benoni, at the Buzme Adab Hall. The rally will be addressed by, among others, COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, PSC spokesperson Salim Vally, South African Council of Churches General Secretary Eddie Makue, and ex-minister Ronnie Kasrils. Rally starts at 19:30.
  • Sunday, February 8: A protest at the Durban Harbour mouth, off Victoria Embankment [Margaret Mncadi Avenue]. Protesters will be addressed by, among others, COSATU President Sdumo Dlamini. Protest starts at 10:00.
  • Sunday, February 8: A mass rally in Cape Town at Vygieskraal Rugby Stadium. The rally will be addressed by, among others, COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, and Allan Boesak. Rally starts at 14:30.

Patrick Craven (COSATU national spokesperson) 0828217456
Bongani Masuku (COSATU international officer) 0794996419
Naeem Jeenah (PSC) 0845742674
Melissa Hole (PSC) 0739060017
Salim Vally (PSC) 082 802 5936

Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) Salutes South African Dock Workers' Action!

Palestine, February 3, 2009 -- The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) warmly salutes the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU), a member of COSATU, for its decision today not to offload an Israeli ship that is due to arrive in Durban, South Africa, on 8 February. Coming weeks after the massive Israeli massacre in Gaza, this distinguished expression by SATAWU of effective solidarity with the Palestinian people in general, and with Gaza in particular, sets a historic precedent that reminds us of the first such action during the apartheid era taken by Danish dock workers in 1963, when they decided not to offload ships carrying South African products, triggering a similar boycott in Sweden, England and elsewhere.

Last week, endorsing the Palestinian Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), the Maritime Union of Australia (Western Australia) resolved to boycott all Israeli vessels and all vessels bearing goods arriving from or going to Israel. A few weeks before, Greek dock workers threatened to block a ship carrying weapons to Israel during its criminal war on Gaza. Those actions, together with the SATAWU decision today, will most likely usher in a new, qualitatively advanced phase of BDS that goes well beyond symbolism. We call on dock workers' unions around the world to endorse similar sanctions against Israeli or Israel-bound cargo.

Support in South Africa for the Palestinian struggle against Israel's colonial and apartheid policies and its war crimes is reaching new heights, with COSATU, the South African Council of Churches, the Palestine Solidarity Committee, the Young Communist League and many grassroots organisations and networks leading diverse forms of BDS campaigns, informed by the long and ultimately successful struggle of South Africans against apartheid. The Palestinian and global BDS movement against Israel is indebted to the people of South Africa for their inspiring and morale-boosting solidarity.

If Gaza today has become the test of our universal morality and our common humanity, the fast spreading BDS movement around the world has passed the test with flying colors. In fact, worldwide support for BDS against Israel in reaction to its war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, has shown that international civil society fully recognises that Israel must be held accountable before international law and must pay a heavy price for its atrocities and ongoing willful destruction of Palestinian society.

In this context, the decision by each of Venezuela, Bolivia, Qatar and Mauritania to sever diplomatic ties with Israel was a particularly commendable way of challenging Israel's impunity. The shift from traditional, mostly symbolic, solidarity to BDS in Norway, Sweden, Britain, Ireland, Turkey, Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Spain, USA, Brazil, New Zealand, among others, is a resounding endorsement of effective, morally and politically sound action to end Israel's multi-faceted oppression of the indigenous people of Palestine and to bring about a just peace to Palestine and the entire region.

The Palestinian civil society Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, launched in 2005 by over 170 Palestinian political parties, unions and organisations, offers the vehicle for all people of conscience, organisations and institutions around the globe to join the collective effort to reaffirm the primacy of international law, human rights and dignity. To replicate the strength and effectiveness of the anti-apartheid movement of the 1980s, the BNC urges civil society institutions and every concerned citizen around the world to:

  • Integrate BDS in every struggle for justice and human rights, by adopting wide, context-sensitive and sustainable boycotts of Israeli products, companies, academic and cultural institutions, and sports groups, similar to the actions taken against apartheid South Africa;
  • Ensure national and multinational corporations are held responsible and accordingly sanctioned for profiteering from Israel's occupation and other violations of human rights and international law;
  • Work towards cancelling and blocking free trade and other preferential agreements with Israel, including the EU-Israel and the Mercosur-Israel trade agreements; and
  • Pressure governments to impose a direct and indirect arms embargo against Israel that guarantees end-user compliance with international law and human rights principles.

Our "South Africa" moment has arrived. The time for BDS is now!

Secretariat of the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC).

COSATU calls for intensified action against Israel

February 5, 2009 -- COSATU, the Palestinian Solidarity Committee and all members of the Ad Hoc Coalition on Palestine call on all workers and activists for justice and peace to join the ever growing movement of people in solidarity with the suffering masses of Palestine. In particular, we invite people to tomorrow's protest outside the Zionist Federation office in Raedene Estate, Johannesburg, and the Picket in Cape Town. (See details below.)

We note a recent threat by some Zionists: "Let us bombard the COSATU offices with phone calls to let them know our anger. It is hard to ignore phone calls than emails. Maybe we should start a policy that Israel-loyal Jews refuse to employ COSATU members in retaliation for COSATU's evil actions."

We warn all South African Zionists that COSATU will not allow any forms of apartheid practices and intimidation in South Africa, just as we fully support our comrades in Palestine in their struggle to remove these racist vestiges in their own land.

Employers, particularly Zionist employers who would want to try these old (and failed) tricks must be warned that we shall not hesitate to do all in our powers to deal decisively in protecting our members and the working class in South Africa.

The SA Zionist Federation's Bev Goldman warned in a local newspaper last week that "a boycott would undermine relations between Israel and South Africa and result in a negative impact on the economy". This deserves our contempt. Just as in the campaign against blood diamonds we put people before profits and solidarity before economic blackmail. Let us never forget that the SA Zionist Federation supported trade, nuclear and security links between Apartheid SA and Israel!

COSATU also calls on workers in the rest of the world to follow the lead of our members in SATAWU who have vowed not to offload Israeli goods and our members who are planning a campaign not to handle any Israeli goods in supermarkets, and other stores. We understand that the Israeli ship which was due to dock in Durban on Sunday February 8 may arrive earlier, but the SATAWU boycott and the Sunday demonstration will continue.

Workers of the world united to isolate the Apartheid South African state in 1970s and 1980s. Workers need to stretch our hands across the seas and our continents to join together, now, to isolate the Apartheid Israeli state and to Free Palestine.

We have also received reports that there are about 20 ships carrying medical supplies, humanitarian aid, doctors, journalists, human rights activists and food waiting in Cyprus, destined for Gaza. One ship was stopped by the Israeli navy and its crew arrested, confirming the inhumane character of apartheid Israel and its total disregard for the desperate situation of the suffering people of Gaza, the very victims of the latest holocaust by Israel. We salute the crews and passengers on all the ships waiting to assist the people of Gaza.

We reiterate our determination to intensify our actions as we confirm our planned activities as follows;

Friday, February 6: A protest outside the offices of the South African Zionist Federation and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 2 Elray Street (off Louis Botha Avenue into Main which becomes Elray), Raedene Estate. Both these organisations unquestioningly supported the recent Israeli attacks against Gaza, and supported the massacre of civilians and the attacks on schools, mosques, ambulances and UN refugee centres. Protestors will be addressed by, among others, SATAWU general secretary Randall Howard, and ex-minister Ronnie Kasrils. Protest starts at 14:00.

Friday, February 6: A picket outside parliament in Cape Town. COSATU members and solidarity activists will be joined by a number of members of parliament. Picket starts at 09:30.

Friday, February 6: A mass rally in Actonville, Benoni, at the Buzme Adab Hall. The rally will be addressed by, among others, COSATU general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, PSC spokesperson Salim Vally, South African Council of Churches General Secretary Eddie Makue, and ex-minister Ronnie Kasrils. Rally starts at 19:30.

Sunday, February 8: A protest at the Durban Harbour Mouth, off Victoria Embankment. Protesters will be addressed by, among others, COSATU president Sdumo Dlamini. Protest starts at 10:00.

Sunday February 8: A mass rally in Cape Town at Vygieskraal Rugby Stadium. The rally will be addressed by, among others, COSATU general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi. Rally starts at 14:30.



The "Israeli" colonizers are no less white supremacist than the nazis were. They are no better than the European settlers who exterminated millions of indigenous peoples in the Americas and Africa in order to take their lands and enslave them. It's about time the world removed the sacred cow status that "Israel" has enjoyed, and treat it like the racist, genocidal, colonizing entity that it is.

And thank you, Marta, for expressing in rare - and fully justified language what is silently obeyed by the world's still guilty 'good guys', the G8 mostly: the 'sacred' status of 'the eternal victim'. It is time to call a spade a spade.

A Nazi is a Nazi because of what he/she does. The Israeli leaders - male and female- are all proving whom they so closely resemble...
A tragic and repulsive fact. The same goes for the US leaders.
( Mitchell may be able to do some good - here's hoping.)

Once again 'THE WEST' fails to help the victims... Germany tragically among them.
" When will they ever learn?"


We all know when we do wrong...


This is absolutely brilliant and is one of the most effective ways of showing opposition to those murderous bastards.

I don't care about my details being kept private.



We, West Coast longshoremen, organizers of the 1984 boycott action against a ship from apartheid South Africa, stand in solidarity with your action to protest the Zionist slaughter in Gaza and Israeli oppression of Palestinians. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union has a long record of defending Palestinian rights, just as the Palestinians had taken a strong stance against apartheid. Your bold action will set an example for all dockworkers around the world who dare to act against injustice.

Leo Robinson, Bill Proctor and Jack Heyman

Irish civil society calls for boycott of Israel

The following letter was published in a full-page advertisement in The Irish Times on 31 January 2009:

The original ad, including signatures may be downloaded here. [PDF]

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza killed over 1,300 Palestinians, a third of them children. Thousands have been wounded. Many victims had been taking refuge in clearly marked UN facilities.

This assault came in the wake of years of economic blockade by Israel. This blockade, which is illegal under international humanitarian law, has destroyed the Gaza economy and condemned its population to poverty. According to a World Bank report last September, “98 percent of Gaza’s industrial operations are now inactive.”

The most recent attack on Gaza is only the latest phase in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people and appropriation of their land.
Israel has never declared its borders. Instead, it has continuously expanded at the expense of the Palestinians. In 1948, it took over 78 percent of Palestine, an area much larger than that suggested for a Jewish state by the UN General Assembly in 1947. Contrary to international law, Israel expelled over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes. These refugees and their descendants, who now number millions, are still dispersed throughout the region. They have the right, under international law, to return to their homes. This right has been underlined by the UN General Assembly many times, starting with Resolution 194 in 1948.

In 1967, Israel occupied the remaining 22 percent of Palestine: the West Bank and Gaza. Contrary to Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel has built, and continues to build, settlements in these occupied territories. Today, nearly 500,000 Israeli settlers live in the illegal settlements in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), and the number grows daily as Israel expands its settler program.

Israel has resisted pressure from the international community to abide by the human rights provisions of international law. It has refused to comply with UN Security Council demands to cease building settlements and remove those it has built (Resolutions 446, 452 and 465) and to reverse its illegal annexation of East Jerusalem (252, 267, 271, 298, 476 and 478). Since September 2000, over 5,000 Palestinians, almost 1,000 of them minors, have been killed by the Israeli military.

Eleven-thousand Palestinians, including hundreds of minors, languish in Israel jails. Hundreds are detained without trial. In addition, Israel is breaking international law by imprisoning them outside the occupied territories, thereby making it almost impossible for their families to visit them. Every year, hundreds of Palestinian homes are demolished. The Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza livesw imprisoned by walls, barriers and checkpoints that prevent or impede access to shops, schools, workplaces, hospitals and places of worship. They are subjected to restrictions of every kind and to daily ritual humiliation at the hands of occupation soldiers and checkpoint guards.

Invasion, occupation and plantation of their land is the reality that Palestinians have faced for decades and still face on a daily basis, as their country is reduced remorselessly. Unless, and until, this Israeli aggression is halted, and the democratic rights of the Palestinian people are vindicated, there will be no justice or peace in the Middle East. Israel’s 40-year occupation of the West Bank and Gaza must be ended.

The occupation can end if political and economic pressure is placed on Israel by the international community. Recognizing this, the Palestinian people continually call on the international community to intervene.

We, the signatories, call for the following:

The Irish Government to cease its purchase of Israeli military products and services and call publicly for an arms embargo against Israel.
The Irish Government to demand publicly that Israel reverse its settlement construction, illegal occupation and annexation of land in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and to use its influence in international fora to bring this about.
The Irish Government to demand publicly that the Euro-Med Agreement under which Israel has privileged access to the EU market be suspended until Israel complies with international law.
The Irish Government to veto any proposed upgrade in EU relations with Israel.
The Irish people to boycott all Israeli goods and services until Israel abides by international law.

Church of England Divests from Caterpillar

URGENT PSC PRESS - For Immediate Release

VICTORY - Church of England Divested from Caterpillar

Over this weekend, 7th and 8th February, the Church of England clarified their
position on their investments in companies profiting from the illegally occupied
Palestinian territories and now wish to make clear that late last year they
removed over £2.2 million in Caterpillar, a company whose bulldozers and heavy
plant equipment are been used to destroy the homes of Palestinians by the
Israeli government.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) welcomes this decision. Betty Hunter
General Secretary of PSC said:

"This is a clear message from the Church of England that they will not have
their money tied up in companies that are directly or indirectly engaged in the
suppression of the rights of Palestinians.
The Church's removal of £2.2 million is a significant blow to those who say that
ethical and morally responsible investments can't be used as a peaceful weapon
against the Israeli Government.
I applaud this decision by the Church of England and hope that other
organisations that remain invested in Israel will take a look at the moral lead
shown to us by the Church of England and disinvest now."