
Azerbaijan Commons

‘Azerbaijan has its own version of the Putinist slogan “We Can Do It Again!”’: Interview with Azerbaijani journalist Bashir Kitachayev

Bashir Kitachayev discusses the possible threat of war with Armenia, the situation of ethnic minorities in Azerbaijan, political repression and the future of Artsakh.

(Video) International (in)security: building solidarity in a rupturing world?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine exposed a deepening crisis of international security.


Turkey: Erdogan’s 2023 neo-Ottoman imperialist agenda, from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean

As Hamas allies, the Iranian and Syrian regimes, along with Hezbollah in Lebanon, are the center of attention for Israeli and US strategists.


Armenia-Azerbaijan: The Karabakh fault line

Karl Lebt - How has the Russian invasion of Ukraine affected the dynamics of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan? What choice did the Armenian leadership face? On the prospects for a Nagorno-Karabakh settlement.
Armenians in Berlin protesting against the Azerbaijani attack.

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict: The West’s double standards and Moscow’s weak hand

Axel Gehring - Azerbaijan is exploiting the window of opportunity granted by the war in Ukraine to escalate its attacks on Armenia.