Australian Greens

Max Chandler-Mather outside federal parliament

Max Chandler-Mather: ‘With long term planning and more organisation, we can change people’s lives’

Max Chandler-Mather reflects on the Brisbane Greens community-based strategies, along with broader issues such as Palestine and last year’s referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Max Chandler-Mather

Australian Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather: ‘We should take every chance to deliver our message for working people’

Max Chandler-Mather talks about the various ways they have sought to reach out, engage in a dialogue with, and organise people around the housing crisis and more broadly.
Australian Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather: ‘Our housing campaign leaves us stronger for the next fight’

Australian Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather: ‘Our housing campaign leaves us stronger for the next fight’

Max Chandler-Mather reflects on his experiences in parliament so far as an “outsider”, the strengths and weaknesses of the housing campaign and the challenges involved in pushing for anti-establishment politics from within parliament.

Australia: SYRIZA’S victory and building a green-left alternative

Socialist Alliance activists march on May Day in Sydney last year.

Israel the aggressor, not Gazans; Condemn Israel’s violence, not Palestinian resistance

Young opponents of Israel's war of terror protest, in Sydney, August 2, 2014. Photo by Susan Price.

Australia: Left-Green unity is an objective necessity

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge addresses the Socialist Alliance national conference in January 2012. Photo: Peter Boyle
By Peter Boyle

February 4, 2012 -- Green Left Weekly -- Rupert Murdoch's flagship newspaper, The Australian, has been on a campaign to destroy the Australian Greens because the party represents a big electoral break from the two-parties-for-capitalism system that has dominated Australian politics for more than a century. In the past two weeks, this campaign has been hyped into McCarthyite Cold War hysteria.

The Australian Greens and Palestine: confronting the 'inconvenient truths' of the party's right of return policy

In 1948, more than 800,000 Palestinian men, women and children were forced to flee their homes.