Awami Workers Party (Pakistan)

Pakistan general elections: A vote against IMF policies and state repression
Kashmiri, Indian and Pakistani left reject India's revocation of Kashmir's special status

Pakistan’s most rigged general elections ever

Pakistan: Support the Awami Workers Party’s campaign for the 2018 General Election

By Awami Workers Party
Oppression of Pakistan’s caricatured feudalism

Pakistan: 10 left-wing parties seek to form alliance

By Farooq Tariq
March 11, 2017 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — While this great son of the mountains is incarcerating in jail for raising voice for the rights of the people of GB and all working class people of Pakistan, the stooges of imperialist neo-colonial powers and some elements in the religious institutions and community organisations at the behest of the Establishment have once again launched a smear campaign against Baba Jan and his party.