
Ecosocialism 2021: System change not climate change

Three days of workshops and panels, featuring local and international speakers.

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This event will be available both online and in person at locations including Brisbane, Cairns, & Perth.

Malaysia: Socialism 2016 to attract global interest

By A.Sivarajan, Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) Secretary General October 27, 2016
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal A key international conference on Socialism will take place in Malaysia from November 25 to 27, featuring a host of international speakers and attracting global interest.

Socialism as an alternative: Reflections on ‘Socialism for the 21st Century’ international conference

Radhika Menon, a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, was a keynote speaker at the Socialism for the 21st Century conference held in Sydney, May 13-15.

United States: Conference to explore left electoral possibilities

Left to right: Brian Jones (ISO), Kshama Sawant (Socialist Alternative) and Howie Hawkins (Greens).

South Africa: brics-from-below! Civil society gathering during the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa summit

Whose turn to carve?

March 18, 2013 -- In Durban, South Africa, five heads of state meet on March 26-27, 2013, to assure the rest of Africa that their countries’ corporations are better investors in infrastructure, mining, oil and agriculture than the traditional European and US multinationals. The Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) summit will also include 16 heads of state from Africa, including some notorious tyrants. A new $50 billion bank will probably be launched.