
Kokila Annamalai Parvathi

Socialist Party of Malaysia: Solidarity with Singaporean activist Kokila Annamalai Parvathi

The Socialist Party of Malaysia stands in solidarity with Kokila Annamalai Parvathi, a concerned citizen of Singapore who is facing censorship for voicing out her conscience.
Singapore workers

Reviving worker’s power in Singapore: Left activists speak

A new generation of left activists is emerging in Singapore, determined to rebuild people’s power. An interview with two activists from Workers Make Possible.
Singapore The People's Manifesto

Singapore’s grassroots groups launch ‘The People’s Manifesto’ (plus full text of manifesto)

Adi R discusses “The People’s Manifesto”, which was publicly launched at a 250-strong “Town Hall” meeting in Singapore on August 3.
Singapore protest

Joint statement: Drop charges against Pro-Palestine activists in Singapore

We, the undersigned organisations, are deeply concerned over the prosecution of three activists in Singapore for organising Palestine solidarity action.
Ecosocialism 2024 ad

Speakers, agenda announced for Ecosocialism 2024: Book your tickets now!

Federico Fuentes — Ecosocialism 2024, to be held on Australia’s west coast, will be an invaluable opportunity to share experiences with activists from around the Indo-Pacific region and discuss how we can collectively campaign against war and climate catastrophe.

`Coolie revolts': exclusive excerpt from 'The Devil's Milk: A social history of rubber'

The Devil’s Milk: A social history of rubber
By John Tully
Monthly Review Press, 2011

March 13, 2011 -- With the kind permission of Monthly Review Press, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is honoured to be able to bring its readers an exclusive excerpt from Australian socialist John Tully's fascinating new book, The Devil’s Milk: A social history of rubber. The section below details how the peoples of the colonies exploited by the imperialist rubber barons fought back against their oppression. Links readers are urged to purchase a copy of this excellent new book. See also an interview with John Tully about his new book, "New book reveals the history of rubber: holocausts, environmental destruction and class struggle".

Singapore, June 17-19, 2009: International Conference: The 1965-1966 Indonesian Killings Revisited

International Conference: The 1965-1966 Indonesian Killings Revisited              

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