South Africa
Debate and opposition within the ANC and the Tripartite Alliance since 1994
- Setting the boundaries
- Moving into another GEAR
- The heavy hand of enforced unity
- 'Managing contradictions'
The device by which content is replaced by form and ideas by phrases has produced a host of declamatory priests … whose last offshoots had of course to lead to democracy. Karl Marx[1]
Proposals For An International Left Platform
By the South African Communist Party
[This is a working draft prepared by the leadership of the SACP and circulated on the internet.]
Principles, strategies and tactics of decommodification in South Africa
By Patrick Bond
Patrick Bond is the author of two recent books: Unsustainable South Africa: Environment, Development and Social Protest and Fanon's Warning: A Civil Society Reader on the New Partnership for Africa's Development. Both are available from Africa World Press ( His 2001 book Against Global Apartheid: South Africa meets the World Bank, IMF and International Finance, will be republished by Zed Press this year, as will a new edition of Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa from Pluto Press.