SWP (Britain)

"As an important part of the English-speaking left, the SWP over the years has influenced many individuals and groups.

Supporters of the Bolivarian revolution mobilise in their millions.

With the announcement of Hugo Chavez’s reelection as preside

Moscow 2008.

[For more discussion on the nature of the Soviet Union click HERE. See also the related discussion on Stalinism HERE.]

By Chris Slee

July 30, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The nature of the former Soviet Union was an issue which divided the left for many decades. Now that the Soviet Union no longer exists, differing analyses of its class nature should no longer be a reason for maintaining separate socialist organisations.

Nevertheless, this historical debate has relevance to current politics, since the theories developed to explain the nature of the Soviet Union were subsequently applied to other countries, including Cuba. In particular, the theory of state capitalism, of which British Socialist Workers Party leader Tony Cliff was a leading exponent, is applied to Cuba by many groups today, including Solidarity and Socialist Alternative in Australia.

Anti-Assad protest in Syria organised by the Local Coordinating Committees.

Tony Cliff: A Marxist for His Time
by Ian Birchall

By Socialist Resistance (Britain)