Visit revolutionary Venezuela: registrations open for 2014 AVSN solidarity brigade

Click HERE for more on the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network.

February 7, 2014 – Links international Journal of Socialist Renewal – Join this year’s Australian solidarity delegation to Venezuela, December 2-13, 2014. Registrations are now open for the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network’s 2014 solidarity tour to revolutionary Venezuela.

The tour – to run from Tuesday, December 2 to Saturday, December 13 (inclusive) – will be a unique an opportunity to observe first hand, learn about and be inspired by a grassroots movement that is transforming not only Venezuela, but Latin America, and is challenging the greed and destructiveness of global capitalism by showing that a better world is possible.

Since 1998, Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution has achieved remarkable things by putting control of the country’s politics and economy back into the hands of the poor majority. Despite the challenges created by the United States-backed opposition’s campaign to stall and destroy the revolution, this people-powered process of change continues to flourish.

The 2014 study tour is the 15th international delegation to Venezuela organised by the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network. The detailed itinerary will be planned over coming months, but the 12-day tour will include visits to social missions, communal councils and communes, as well as production cooperatives, agro-ecology projects, public health and education services, community-controlled media and women’s and Indigenous organisations and projects.

The delegation will meet with a wide range of grassroots organisations, community activists and government representatives to learn more about the participatory democracy and “socialism of the 21st century” being created by the Venezuelan people.

Accommodation and transport within Venezuela, and English-Spanish translation throughout the brigade, will be organised for all participants by the AVSN. Participants will need to book their own international airfares (we advise that you talk to the AVSN before purchasing your tickets). In addition to your international airfare, you will need to budget for approximately $1200. This will cover your brigade registration fee ($500 for waged workers or $350 for students/pensioners) and your food, transport and accommodation for the 12 days in Venezuela.

The registration deadline is October 3, 2014.

For a registration form or more information, please email:, or phone Jim on 0423 741 734, Roberto on 0425 182 994 or Lisa on 0413 031 108.
