Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet, September 2016
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network broadsheet: 'Venezuela is not a threat'

“This is how much I care about your sanctions, Mr Obama.” Placard at anti-imperialist rally
A comradely response to Mike Gonzalez’s 'Letters from Venezuela'

Example of Chavista graffiti in an area where Dan Gent was living in Merida.

[English at http://links.org.au/node/3732]
By Мартін Марінос
Venezuela: A year after Chávez

The late Hugo Chavez with Nicolas Maduro (right).
By Martin Marinos
No to far-right violence and provocations in Venezuela!

Opposition protesters with slingshots during clashes on February 12. Photo by Angel de Jesús/AVN.
Venezuela: A year since Hugo Chavez’s death -- special edition of the AVSN broadsheet

By the Embassy of Venezuela in Australia