CPIML congress

The left is fighting fascism in India

South Asia Solidarity Group seeks to make links with the revolutionary left in South Asia and amplify their demands for democracy and against fascism. In mid-February they attend the 11th Congress of the CPI(ML) Liberation which has been at the forefront of resisting the fascism of the Modi regime.

‘This war is taking place for the same reason as all of Moscow’s wars of colonisation — the former colony does not want to remain a colony’: An interview with Feminist Anti-War Resistance (Russian Federation)

Activists from Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAR) discussion the political context of resistance, the state of the protest movement and FAR's orientation and initiatives.
Feminism Ukraine

March 8 in the second year of war: Experiences and visions of Ukrainian feminists

Grassroots activists discuss women’s status in wartime, problems and challenges the feminist movement faces, and threats that may become relevant for Ukrainian society once the war will be over.

Brazil: Neither forgive nor forget — In memory of the struggle of Marielle and Anderson!

Israel Dutra & Thiago Aguiar — The death of Marielle Franco and Anderson Gomes was, without a doubt, the most important political assassination in Brazil's recent history.
Russian troops

Putin's war: A tragedy for Ukraine and Russia, a gift to US imperialism

Chris Slee — Even those who deny that Russia is an imperialist power should recognise that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a gift to US imperialism and that peace negotiations will only succeed if Russia ends its invasion.
PSM Ukraine protest

Malaysia: Stop the war in Ukraine! Give peace a chance!

This memorandum was handed over to the Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kuala Lumpur on 15th March 2023.
Ukraine bombing

A Ukrainian socialist lays out the aims and struggles of her country’s left

Leftists in Ukraine are simultaneously resisting Russian imperialism and the domestic imposition of neoliberalism, explains Alona Liasheva.
Ukraine weapon

Consistent anti-imperialism and the Ukraine war

Gilbert Achcar — Consistent anti-imperialists must combine their support of Ukraine’s right to self-defence with support for a UN-based peaceful settlement of the ongoing war
Ukraine war

There really is a proxy war in Ukraine: Ignore it at your peril

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica — The spiralling deaths and cost of this unending war will be paid for by the working class in the coming years. We need to come together to stop it.
Marko Bojcun

The causes of the Ukrainian crisis

Marko Bojcun — This article explores the origins of the Ukrainian crisis in several historical developments that came together in 2014.
Debbie Bookchin

Debbie Bookchin: 'Women’s movement in Bakur and Rojava has made historic advances for the rights of women'

Debbie Bookchin talks about the ideas and philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan, the libertarian model of women in Rojava and her thoughts on freedom of women on March 8 International Women's day.
Xebat Andok

Xebat Andok (Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union): On Democratic Confederalism

An extensive interview with Xebat Andok, member of the Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council, about the tenets of Democratic Confederalism, its practical implementation today and the solution this system represents for the problems caused by capitalist modernity.