Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) and his cabinet during the opening of the 167th Norwegian Parliament on 3rd October 2022

Strained alliances in Norwegian politics

Ingrid Wergeland — The first two years of Norway’s Labour Party/Centre Party coalition government have seen the challenges mount up, with debates about solidarity dominating at the international level, while domestic economic inequality has increased.

Degrowth and socialism: Notes on some critical junctures

Güney Işıkara & Özgür Narin — The dialogue between advocates of degrowth and socialism has brought about a partial convergence. At the same time, salient differences between the two currents, highly heterogeneous within themselves, still persist.
smash patriarchy

Patriarchy and the origins of women’s oppression

Sue Bull — To fight against patriarchy, we need to know where it comes from, how it developed and how it became so effective.

Sweden: Assessing Socialistisk Politik and Internationalen’s position on the Russo-Ukrainian war

Jan Czajkowski — The war against Ukraine is not just one more political issue among others, where it is possible to have different opinions within the left. Rather, it is a watershed moment.
Hands of Ukraine

Russia’s war on Ukraine and the European lefts

Murray Smith — The war in Ukraine has cast a harsh light on the radical left in Europe, revealing the best and the worst.
Putin Ramaphosa

South Africa: Internationalism and the Russia-Ukraine war – the hypocrisy of (some of) the left

Dale T McKinley — It is unfortunately all too predictable that some on the left are consistently calling for imperial nations/the West to stop objectifying the people of the Global South, while refusing to apply the same to the majority of people and the left in Ukraine and Russia.

Planned degrowth: Ecosocialism and sustainable human development

John Bellamy Foster — The word degrowth stands for a family of political-economic approaches that, in the face of today’s accelerating planetary ecological crisis, reject unlimited, exponential economic growth as the definition of human progress.
OTA Chair Joan Kuyek and Alderman John Sewell at panel on Tenant Control, Toronto.

Canada: Tenants confront the housing crisis

Richard Fidler — How Ontario tenants fought for legal security of tenure, and won.

Europe: The far right is here to stay

David Broder — Figures like Italy’s Giorgia Meloni threaten to establish a new normal in European politics.
El Sisi

Hossam el-Hamalawy: A Decade of Counter-Revolution in Egypt

Hossam el-Hamalawy — The ten years since the coup have witnessed unprecedented repression and censorship
solidarity with Ukraine

Nordic Green Left: Solidarity with Ukraine

The Nordic Green Left is a cooperation platform for Nordic left-wing parties. The network adopted this statement in support of Ukraine in Malmö on June 9.

Russian socialist Ilya Matveev: ‘Prigozhin’s coup attempt has exposed Putin’s vulnerability’

Ilya Matveev discusses the recent armed rebellion led by Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, what it tells us about the realities of Putin’s regime and its possible impacts on the war in Ukraine.