Russia: Boris Kagarlitsky on the Nadezhdin phenomenon
Russian military Keynesianism: Who benefits from the war in Ukraine?
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation: A humble appeal to ‘We, the People of India’
India: When a temple in Ram’s name becomes a Modi monument to advance the RSS agenda
Socialism or barbarism? Why Rosa Luxemburg matters today
The revolution against the odds: An interview on Rojava with Anya Rebrii and Liza Shishko
Social contract of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region
A disastrous friendship: The dangerous political economy of India’s support for Israel
Africa’s role in Palestinian liberation: An interview with Salim Vally
From Palestine to Tahrir Square: What Egyptians owe Palestinians
Gaza: A ghastly window into the crisis of global capitalism
William I Robinson & Hoai-An Nguyen — As the world watches in horror, the carnage in Gaza gives us a ghastly window into the rapidly escalating crisis of global capitalism.