Discussion: Michael Cooke on the left and fundamentalists

By Michael Cooke
El dilema populista, el pragmatismo y la izquierda en el poder en Venezuela

[English at http://links.org.au/node/4439.]
Por Steve Ellner
Neoliberal Ukraine’s labour 'reforms' threaten workers' rights

The oligarchs have joined forces to railroad a new labour code that strips Ukrainian wor
Scottish politics after May 7 Westminster general election

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.
Boris Kagarlitsky: 'The killing of Novorossiya'

US Secretary of State John Kerry with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, May 15, 2015.
Scotland: Left Project welcomes SSP support for a new left electoral alliance

SSP national co-spokesperson Colin Fox.
Europe at a crossroads: Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ article in 'Le Monde'

For more analysis and disc
Mexico: Caravana nacional del pueblo autóctono yaqui en defensa del agua, tierra, trabajo y vida

A Juventud Anticapitalista canta mientras espera la llegada de la Caravana yaqui.
[English at http://links.org.au/node/4444.]