Lateinamerika: Ende der 'Rosa Welle' vorschnell prognostiziert

Dilma Rousseff.
Latin America: Why predictions of an ebb in the 'Pink Tide' proved premature

On October 26 Brazilians re-elected Dilma Rousseff as president, ushering in a fourth consecutive Wo
Social democracy and neoliberalism: victim or vanguard?

By Damien Cahill, Sydney
Ukraine: A year after Maidan, 'nothing has changed for the better'

US vice-president Joe Biden (right) sees eye to eye with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko during his visit to Kyiv on the
When Karl Liebknecht said ‘no’ to World War I

Karl Liebknecht.
Malaysia: 'Thailand's dictator is NOT welcome! Democracy NOW for Thailand!'

Joint statement by the Socialist Party of Malaysia and others (see below)
Dan La Botz: 'We are all Ayotzniapa!' Mexico crisis deepens

Tens of thousands protest in Acapulco, Mexico, over the disappearance of 43 students