South Africa: Two years on, Marikana massacre still reverberates

Dead miners massacred by police outside the Marikana platinum mine in Rustenburg, 100 kilometres north-west

Behind the Kiev/NATO war on the people of eastern Ukraine

Market in Luhansk hit by Ukraine government shelling, August 2014.

Pakistan: A ‘soft’ military coup?

"The issue of election rigging is just a cover for Imran Khan.

Ireland: Gerry Adams reflects on 20th anniversary of IRA cessation

August 31, 2014 – Sinn Féin – Sinn Féin president and TD for Louth Gerry Adams reflects on the 20th anniversary of

David Mandel: Understanding the conflict in Ukraine

Ukraines' President Petro Poroshenko (second from left) greets US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Scotland: Independence without borders

hands up

"Scottish independence isn't about borders or flags, it's about people's lives and change

Comment: Prospects for an anti-war/solidarity movement in Ukraine and Russia

Anti-war protest in Chernivtsi, western Ukraine, July 23, 2014.

Marta Harnecker: New paths require a new culture on the left

Venezuela's president Nicolas Maduro with Marta Harnecker at the award ceremony.