Germany: Union militant on how wind-power development is held to ransom for profit

Wind turbine towers at Bremerhaven port. Photo by Lucy Alcorn.
(With video) Australia's premier socialist newspaper, 'Green Left Weekly', produces 1000th issue
By Mel Barnes, Green Left Weekly editor
Video: Tariq Ali presents the inaugural Hugo Chavez Memorial Lecture
Tariq Ali presents the inaugural Hugo Chavez Memorial Lecture in London (part 1).
Boris Kagarlitsky: ‘Polite intervention’ and the Ukrainian uprising
Unarmed Ukrainian troops march on the Belbek airfield in Crimea to retake it from soldiers under Russian command.
Has King Environmentalism no green clothes?

Green illusions: The dirty secrets of clean energy and the future of environmentalism,
by Ozzie Zehner
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012
Die Linke and the fight against European austerity
March 4, 2014 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Speech by Florian Wilde
L'Humanite on Ukraine: 'The true fuel of the uprising'
Click HERE for more on Ukraine
From L’Humanité (French Communist Party daily newspaper).