General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911-2013): Military hero, revolutionary intellectual, environmentalist

General Vo Nguyen Giap, second from left, with Ho Chi Minh, in 1957.
By Michael Karadjis
¿Por qué el gobierno 'Roji-Verde' de Noruega ha sido derrotado por la coalición de derechas?

Escaños obtenidos: SV – Partido de Izquierda Socialista; A – Partido Laborista; MDG – Partido

Many will call me an adventurer – and that I am, only o
Belgium: Class trade unionism seeks political expression

Daniel Piron, the Charleroi regional secretary of the FGTB.
By Daniel Tanuro
On Marxism and melodrama: An interview with Lars Lih

Lars Lih has explored the political and theoretical relationships between Lenin and Karl Kautsky.
The talented and reviled Mr Pepper (Comintern agent)

A Communist Odyssey: The Life of József Pogány/John Pepper
By Thomas Sakmyster
Nelson Mandela: Between fact and fiction

Nelson Mandela at the Rivonia treason trial.
Alienation in Karl Marx’s early writing

Young Marx.
By Daniel Lopez
Socialists and the fight against rape culture, misogyny and women's oppression
For more discussion on feminism, click HERE.
Climate change: What would Frederick Engels say?

By Martin O'Beirne