Malaysia: PSM supports Chavez in building socialism; inspires the people's movement worldwide
February 6, 2008 -- This morning, Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) leaders met with Venezuela mbassador, Manuel Guzm'an and first secretary, Carlos J. Paez to express our continued support for the revolutionary efforts undertaken by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in his move to build ``socialism in the 21st century.
Letter from Malaysia: Why the government attacked the January 26 protest
By S. Arutchelvan
On behalf of the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) and members of the Movement of the Oppressed people (JERIT), I would like to thank all of you for your support, solidarity and urgent appeals which I believe did help in securing our early release and reduce intimidation of comrades in detention.
South Africa: Two economies - or one system of superexploitation
By Patrick Bond
[The following is the introduction to ``Transcending two economies – renewed debates in South African political economy'', a special issue of Africanus, Journal of Development Studies (Vol. 37 No. 2 2007, ISSN 0304-615x). It is republished with permission.The full issue is available for free download at ]
Portugal: Where is the Left Bloc going?
On June 2-3, 2007 the Fifth National Convention of the Left Bloc took place in Lisbon.
Germany: Die Linke electoral breakthrough
Indianismo and Marxism: The mismatch of two revolutionary rationales
Introduction by Richard Fidler – This important article by Álvaro García Linera, now vice-president of Bolivia, was first published in 2005.
Video: Chavez on food sovereignty
Click here to see and hear Venezela's President Hugo Chavez discuss food sovereignty in Latin America, Africa and the world.
Venezuela: Draft program and principles of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
[Below, Links provides translations of the draft program and principles of the provisionally named United Socialist Party of Venezuela, which are currently being discussed at its founding congress. The documents were drafted by the provisional leadership of the PSUV.
Pakistan collapsing, Musharraf must go
January 18, 2008 -- Pakistan is on the fast track to collapse under the Pervez Musharraf dictatorship. The state is in immense crisis. The infrastructure, industrial and social, is in total chaos. The economic crisis is showing its muscles. Inflation is uncontrollable and unemployment is ever increasing.
The vast majority of ordinary people of Pakistan believe that Musharraf will never leave power alive: ``If he is not killed, he will kill us all one by one.'' He has become the most unpopular president of Pakistan. Musharraf is widely seen as a person who has orchestrated the murder of Benazir Bhutto. ``Qaatal Qaatal Musharraf Qaatal''(``Murderer the murderer, Musharraf the murderer'') was the main slogan of the mass reaction to Bhutto's assassination.
What kind of left for the 21st century? Democratic Centralism and broad left parties
Socialist Resistance steering comittee
January 2008 -- Since the beginning of the decade important steps have been made in rebuilding the left internationally, following the working class defeats of the ‘80s and ‘90s and the negative impact of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Broad parties and narrow visions: the SWP and Respect
By Murray Smith
January 4, 2008 -- The crisis which has led to a split in Respect is an important development, affecting as it does the principal force of the radical left in England. The future will tell us whether the current crisis represents just another failure, another dead-end, another missed opportunity for the English left, or whether, as seems increasingly possible, it offers Respect itself the chance for a renewal and is perhaps a step on the road towards a broader formation.
Whichever way you look at it, the Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) is at the centre of the crisis. It is or was the central component of Respect, as it had been of the Socialist Alliance which preceded it, and it has been one of the main protagonists in the conflict that has engulfed Respect. So I want to look at what has happened from the point of view of the relationship between the SWP, a traditional far-left organisation, and the broader left formation that Respect is. I think there are some lessons to be learned which go beyond Britain.