Ideas for the struggle #1 - Mass uprisings or revolutions? The role of the political instrument
1. The recent and not so recent popular uprisings that rocked numerous countries across the world have clearly demonstrated that the initiative of the people, in and of itself, is not enough to defeat ruling regimes.
Filipinas: Las contradicciones del régimen Duterte
[Original in English here]
Por Sonny Melencio, traducido para
The development of Trotsky’s analysis of the Soviet bureaucracy
Leon Trotsky and Joseph StalinBy Thomas M.
Portugal: “el Bloque de Izquierda lucha por la hegemonía de la izquierda”
[Original in English here]
Por Dick Nichols
August 18, 2016 — Traducido po
The path to power: ‘Let’s commit to the long haul’
The following discussion of strategy for social change, by Umair Muhammad, was first published under the