Latin America, Cuba: Against the attack on the Syrian people, no more deaths and lies

Cuba: Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Syria

Havana, August 28, 2013 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba issued the following statement regarding the growing threats against Syria. The recent pronouncements of the US government and several NATO alli

European left statements against the threat of US-led war on Syria (updated Sept. 3)

Below are a number of statements (or news reports of statements) by European left parties on the crisis in Syria.

Egypt: Workers' hopes dashed after military coup

"The Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions supports the demands of the people's revolution and calls for a general strike of Egyptian workers", reads a bann

Malaysian socialists: 'Stop the massacres and political violence in Egypt!'

By the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (Socialist Party of Malaysia)

The role of the united-front tactic

Australian protest against the US war on Vietnam.