Boris Kagarlitsky hammer and sickle

Boris Kagarlitsky’s open letter from Russian prison: ‘Supporting left-wing political prisoners is an act of practical solidarity’

Writing from a Russian prison, sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky has penned the following open letter in support of a broad solidarity campaign with left-wing Russian political prisoners.
AUKUS summit

Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance): ‘Ruling class support for the US war drive on China fundamentally shapes Australian politics today’

Sam Wainwright discusses the state of US global hegemony, Australia’s role within it as a mid-sized imperialist power and prospects for working-class solidarity across borders.
anti-war protest Russia

A revolution in Russia is possible

Mikhail Lobanov on the prospects for political change in Putin’s Russia.
remains of Crocus City Hall

Boris Kagarlitsky from Russian prison: ‘Authorities are cynically using the Crocus City Hall terror attack to divert from the real criminals’

In a new letter to his daughter from Detention Centre No.12 in Zelenograd, Boris Kagarlitsky discusses the fallout of the horrific terrorist attack at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall.
Boris Kagarlitsky trial

Leftists worldwide rally around Boris Kagarlitsky, call for liberation of all Russian anti-war political prisoners

Andrea Levy — Renowned Russian sociologist, dissident was jailed on February 13 for five years on trumped-up charges of “justifying terrorism”.
women's empowerment

21st century Indian fascism, corporate capital and the rhetoric of ‘women’s empowerment’

Kalpana Wilson looks at the ‘war on women’ waged by India’s Hindu supremacist fascism and how this is shaped by the specificities of Hindutva ideology, neoliberal capitalism, and imperialism.

Orientalism, imperialism and the Western coverage of Palestine

Joseph Daher — Western mainstream media biases and defence of the Israeli narrative are connected to orientalism, racism, and imperialism, serving the interests of Western ruling political and economic elites.
Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela’s presidential elections: Maduro plays hardball but there are drawbacks

Steve Ellner lays down the political stakes and US meddling ahead of Venezuela's electoral race.
windy road

The journey continues: A prison letter from Boris Kagarlitsky

Renowned Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky was jailed on February 13 for five years due to his opposition to the war in Ukraine. This is his first public letter since then, sent from Detention Centre No.12 in Zelenograd.
Luís Montenegro

Portugal: A shift to the right but an uncertain future after elections

Adriano Campos — Faced with the rise of the far right and a radicalized right government, the left has a dual mission: organise the struggle against the new government and present a credible alternative.