Duroyan Fertl


Opposing Finland’s Thatcherist turn

Li Andersson, leader of the Finnish Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance), talks about her party’s priorities in this super election year.
Frederikke Hellemann

Frederikke Hellemann (Red-Green Alliance, Denmark): ‘What we have tried to do is to go back to our roots’

Red-Green Alliance candidate Frederikke Hellemann on the challenges facing the Danish Left in 2024.
Hanna Gedin

Hanna Gedin (Left Party, Sweden): ‘We need to give people hope’

An interview with Hanna Gedin from the Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) on the priorities and challenges of the Swedish Left ahead of the European elections.
Battle of Vinegar Hill

‘Death or Liberty’: Australia’s Battle of Vinegar Hill at 220

Duroyan Fertl — Australia’s Battle of Vinegar Hill shook the colony to its core: a reaction that can only be understood in the context of the years immediately preceding it, both in Sydney, and in Ireland.
security workshop

Nordic left discuss security policy in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Duroyan Fertl — Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung hosted a workshop to facilitate the exchange of experiences and strategies between left parties grappling with the issue of security policy, particularly in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Denmark’s left in crisis?

Duroyan Fertl - Denmark’s radical left party, the Red Green Alliance, is in a spin. At the November 1 general election, it lost a quarter of its support, a third of its seats, and its influence with government.

Denmark to hold early elections as Social Democrats move right

Duroyan Fertl - On November 1, Denmark will vote, seven months ahead of schedule. Polls show left and right blocs almost neck-and-neck, and the risk of an outright win for the right-wing remains real.
Line Barfod

Denmark: Historic Copenhagen budget leaves Social Democrats out in the cold

Duroyan Fertl & Line Barfod - On September 9, the 2023 budget for the City of Copenhagen was agreed in historic circumstances. Radical left party Enhedslisten (the “Red-Green Alliance”) took the lead in budget negotiations, delivering robust funding for social welfare and the climate, with support from parties of the centre, right and even far-right.