James Doughney

capital flows

Surplus profits, capital exports and imperialism: An interrogation of commonly held beliefs and assumptions

James Doughney interrogates some commonly held beliefs and assumptions about monopoly capital, surplus profits and the export of capital — and explains why they are not coherent.
Lenin imperialism

Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’: A critical survey of the economic arguments

James Doughney — Lenin’s definition of imperialism offers a comprehensive, interlocking theory, which is why it is not so easy to excise bits and for it to remain Lenin’s theory.
Lenin imperialism export capitals

The place of capital exports in Lenin’s conception of imperialism — A response to John Bellamy Foster

James Doughney — It is hard to avoid thinking that any attempt to airbrush Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ is a form of avoidance behaviour in the face of awkward but stubborn facts.

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