Steve Ellner

Trump’s policy toward Latin America: Even anti-Communist zealots in Miami don’t like it
Steve Ellner — During his first term, Trump exerted a “maximum pressure” campaign against perceived US adversaries in Latin America. But how committed is Trump to fighting Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua? Today, it is anyone’s guess.

Trump’s war on China in Latin America
Steve Ellner — Trump’s threats against Panama, Canada and Greenland, albeit unachievable, lay the groundwork for a more “rational” strategy of targeting China and singling out real adversaries such as Cuba and Venezuela.

Applying/misapplying Gramsci’s passive revolution to Latin America
Steve Ellner — A distinction needs to be made between critical support for the Pink Tide and the passive revolution analysis that gets translated into frontal opposition to those governments.

Venezuela’s presidential elections: Maduro plays hardball but there are drawbacks
Steve Ellner lays down the political stakes and US meddling ahead of Venezuela's electoral race.

Objective conditions in Venezuela: Maduro’s defensive strategy and contradictions among the people
Steve Ellner — The war on Venezuela, along with other unfavorable conditions, lent itself to Maduro’s defensive strategy. However, that approach was not without a major risk.

Prioritizing U.S. imperialism in evaluating Latin America’s Pink Tide
Steve Ellner — Two conflicting leftist positions on Latin America’s wave of progressive governments known as the Pink Tide have become increasingly well-defined over the last two decades.

Brazil: What Washington most fears in president-elect Lula
Steve Ellner - What has Washington most worried is the reemergence of a powerful non-aligned movement and the prospect that a progressive like Lula be situated at its helm.