Hugo Chávez and Cuba condemn Israel's brutal massacre of aid activists

Chavez is a hero in the Middle East.

Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Caracas

May 31, 2010 – The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Commander Hugo Chávez, emphatically condemns the brutal massacre perpetrated by the State of Israel against the members of the Liberty Flotilla, as a result of the war action started by the Israeli Army against defenceless civilians, who tried to carry humanitarian aid supplies to the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip, who are victims of the criminal blockade imposed by the State of Israel.

President Hugo Chávez, on behalf of his government and the Venezuelan people, expresses his deepest regret and sends his deepest condolences to the families and relatives of the heroes who have been victims of this state crime, and commit to honour their memory and to give the necessary help so that the responsible of this murderers  are severely punished.

The revolutionary government of Venezuela will continue denouncing the terrorist and criminal nature of Israel, and it reaffirms, today more than ever, its unbreakable commitment with the fight of the Palestinian people for freedom, the sovereignty and the dignity.

Venezuela will support UN Human Rights Council investigation on Israeli attack against humanitarian boat convoy

Office of the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, Caracas

June 2, 2010 – The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will support the investigation that the UN Human Rights Council will conduct on the Israeli army's attack against the humanitarian boat convoy, which tried to transport humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

This announcement was made by the Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs Nicolas Maduro, who is in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, attending the World Summit on the Future of Haiti.
The Venezuelan official highlighted: "we ratified the strongest condemnation, and we also support the decision of the UN Human rights Council to start an investigation. We are going to support this investigation."

The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution, which the United States refused to endorse, to condemn the attack of Israeli assault forces on a humanitarian aid flotilla bound for Gaza.

Most of the members of the UN Human Rights Council, whose sessions take place in Geneva, condemned and regretted this event, which resulted in the killing of nine people, most of them Turkish nationals.
These measure includes the dispatch of an independent fact finding mission to investigate violations of international law resulting from the Israeli attack.

In this regard, Maduro indicated that this investigation "must aim to punish this state-terrorist crime against a group of civilians transporting humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip."

On Tuesday, June 1,  the UN Security Council held an urgent debate but it did not issue a condemnation against Israel for the attack. It only regretted the killing of people during the Israeli assault against the humanitarian convoy, but it did not announce measures to prevent these events from happening in the future.

Cuba: Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Havana, May 31, 2010 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba has learned with profound concern of the criminal attack perpetrated in the early hours of May 31 by the special forces of the Israeli Army on a flotilla of boats which, in international waters, was transporting humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people resident in the Gaza Strip, an attack that provoked death and injury among various members of that flotilla.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its most energetic condemnation of this devious and criminal attack on the part of the Israeli government and calls on the international community and peace-loving peoples to demand the immediate lifting by the Israeli authorities of the illegal, ruthless and genocidal blockade of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Cuba wishes to convey its most heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and reiterates its support for and solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights, which include the creation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.


Turkey - PM Erdoğan - “This action, totally contrary to the principles
of international law, is inhumane state terrorism. No one should think
we will keep quiet in face of this” - recalls amabassador - cancelled
three military (NATO) drills involving Israel

China - UN rep. "China is shocked by Israel's attack on a multinational
convoy carrying international aid to Gaza ... we condemn Israel's
actions targeting humanitarian workers and civilians ... we support a
quick response by the Security Council and take necessary actions." Yang
also expressed serious concern about the "grim" humanitarian situation
in the occupied Palestinian territory, especially the Gaza Strip.

Brazil - summoned the Israel ambassador and said "Brazil strongly
condemns the Israeli operation since there is no justification for
military intervention against humanitarian missions"

Cuba, Venezuela and Argentina condemned the attack. Cuban UN Ambassador
Rodolfo Reyes Rodríguez said Cuba "empahtically condemns the criminal
attack" by the Israeli military. Cuba broke diplomatic relations with
Israel many years ago - Venezuela broke them more recently, after the
Israeli attack on south Lebanon.

India - condemned the Israeli attack saying there could not be any
justification for "such indiscriminate use of force".

Russia - denounced Israel's naval attack against a humanitarian aid
flotilla as a gross breach of international law and demanded an end to
the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Russia's Foreign Ministry expressed
“condemnation and profound concern” and called for a thorough
investigation ... drawing attention to the fact that it happened in
international waters.

France - ''nothing can justify'' the attack

Greece - withdrew from joint military exercises with Israel and summoned
Israel's ambassador

Spain - currently in the EU presidency, condemned the Israeli action.
Madrid called the operation “unacceptable”, and summoned Israel’s

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Greece summoned the heads of
Israeli diplomatic missions in their capitals.

EU - foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, demanded Israel launch a
full inquiry into the incident - "the European Union's position
regarding Gaza - the continued policy of closure is unacceptable and
politically counterproductive"

Lebanon - PM Saad Hariri calls the raid ''dangerous and crazy ... firmly
denounces this attack and calls on the international community, notably
major powers … to take action"

Syria - President Bashar Assad and visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Saad
Hariri slammed the "heinous crime" and the "flagrant violations for the
most basic human rights."

Ireland - Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said the raid was a ''totally
unacceptable response''

UN - SG Ban Ki-moon said he was "shocked by reports of killings and
injuries" and called for a full investigation.

USA - Obama "deeply regrets" the loss of life and is "working to
understand the "circumstance surrounding this tragedy"

Saudi Arabia - "considers today’s carnage an outrage against the whole
world, reflecting Israel’s inhuman methods in challenging international
laws. This also betrays Israel’s insistence on starving the Palestinian
people by blockading any means of taking humanitarian aid to Palestine
with the intention to kill innocent people”

Egypt - President Hosni Mubarak slammed the use of "excessive and
unjustified force" in the raid - Foreign Ministry summons the Israeli
ambassador to express its condemnation.

Jordan - handed the Israeli charge d'affaires a protest note against
what Information Minister Nabil Sharif described as a "heinous crime."


2010-06-02 03:30:01 GMT2010-06-02 11:30:01 (Beijing Time)  Xinhua English

MANAGUA, June 1 (Xinhua) -- The Nicaraguan government Tuesday suspended the country's diplomatic ties with Israel in protest of the Jewish state's deadly raid on the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla on Monday.

Government spokeswoman Rosario Murillo, who is wife of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, announced the move in a short statement.

"Nicaragua suspends from today its diplomatic relations with the government of Israel," said the statement.

The Nicaraguan government "emphasized the illegal nature of the attack on a humanitarian mission in clear violation of international and humanitarian law," it added.

The Israeli navy backed with helicopters attacked early Monday morning the flotilla in the Mediterranean international waters with live ammunition and gas bombs, killing at least 10 people on board and injuring over 30 others.

The UN Security Council on Tuesday condemned the Israeli move, calling for "the immediate release" of the ships and personnel held by Israel.


The Government of Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) condemned Monday in the strongest terms the abject and shameful attack of the Israeli army against the flotilla of freedom," said a statement of the Saharawi Ministry of Information.

"Ghaza was again transformed into almost permanent funeral with the recent bombing of the civilian population, subjected to an inequitable blockade, imposed for several years, is now facing an unprecedented massacre, whose record continues to grow, the ministry of information added.

"By carrying out the bombing of a fleet carrying humanitarian aid to the people of Ghaza, deprived of everything including medication, Israel commits an unforgivable act contrary to international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which guarantees the protection of citizens around the world, the statement further added.

Looking at the list of countries above that condemned or are pretending to condemn the Israeli's barbaric attack on the Gaza humanitarian flotilla let's not be swayed too much by some of these names: countries shedding their crocodile tears. Those of us who are and have been for some considerable time been supporters of the oppressed Palestinians know full well who are genuine in their condemnation and the others who are not.

For starters you don't wait to see who is condemning before you decide to throw your supposed weight behind someone or something and this is precisely what some of these countries like China has done. If you really think that something is bad or beyond the pale you should have the courage to take a stand against it regardless of who is supporting it or not.

However, to all those countries like Turkey, Cuba, Lebanon, Venezuela, Iran and many others who have taken a principled stance on the behalf of the Palestinians I applaud you and say to you and your populace well done!

Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore.


Latin America's left-wing governments continue to criticize Jewish state over deadly Navy raid. 'Israel is a damned, terrorist country. Long live the Palestinian people,' Venezuelan president says
June 3, 2020 -- Ecuador President Rafael Correa says he has recalled the country's ambassador to Israel for consultations in Quito following the deadly Israeli Navy raid against on a Gaza –bound flotilla. In a statement released Wednesday night, the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry said the ambassador would leave Tel Aviv immediately, "as an act of protest against the attack which left civilians killed and injured."

More Criticism
UN's Ban: Israel must lift Gaza blockade immediately / Yitzhak Benhorin
Israeli authorities must provide 'full and detailed account' of commando raid on Gaza-bound flotilla, UN chief tells reporters, adding that incident would have been avoided had siege been lifted. Ambassador Shalev promises thorough investigation
Full story
Another Latin American country, Nicaragua, took an even harsher step on Wednesday, when it decided to cut off its diplomatic ties with Israel.

"Nicaragua suspends from today its diplomatic relations with the government of Israel," President Daniel Ortega's communications chief Rosario Murillo said in a statement read on Radio Ya.

Managua "underscored the illegal nature of the attack on a humanitarian mission in clear violation of international and humanitarian law," added Murillo, who doubles as poetess and first lady.

Nicaragua reiterated its support for the Palestinian people and urged an end to the blockade on the Gaza Strip.


Another attack on Israel came Wednesday night from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who blasted the Navy operation with harsh words during a speech on local television: "Israel is a damned, terrorist and murderous country. Long live the Palestinian people!"

Chavez slammed the American response to the events, which he said was too gentle. "The Obama administration condemns terror, as long as it's not committed by the US or Israel," he said.