December 1-9, 2009: Join the solidarity brigade to Venezuela and the see the revolution first hand

The AVSN brigade marches in Caracas, May 1, 2008.

By the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network

In a world being devastated by economic crisis, global warming, war and famine, the Bolivarian revolution that is unfolding in Venezuela is an inspiration, an affirmation that “people power” can rapidly change the conditions of life for the majority of people. The Venezuelan people’s remarkable progress over the last 10 years in creating what they call “socialism of the 21st century” proves that another world – a peaceful, democratic and socially just world – is possible.

  • Whereas in Australia, health, education and public infrastructure is being run down and/or privatised, in Venezuela, major industries are being put back into public ownership and under the workers’ control, and universal access to health, education and social welfare is guaranteed.
  • Whereas in Australia, workers are being sacked, wages and conditions are being eroded and active trade unions are under attack, in Venezuela, wages are increasing, and union membership and organisation is growing.
  • Whereas in Australia, Aboriginal people continue to live in Third World conditions and continue to die in custody, in Venezuela, Indigenous people have Constitutionally guaranteed land rights and representation in parliament, and are exercising self-determination.

The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network’s regular brigades to Venezuela offer a unique opportunity to observe first-hand many aspects of the Bolivarian revolution. The AVSN is currently organising its 10th brigade to Venezuela, to run from December 1st to 9th this year, and is inviting expressions in interest in participating.

Almost 200 people have participated in the AVSN’s solidarity brigades, and reports, articles and photos about previous brigades from the participants are available at

The itinerary of the December 1-9, 2009, brigade will include visits to worker-controlled factories and cooperatives, and to some of the new community-run public education and health programs, and community media outlets. The participants will also observe participatory democracy at work in the communal councils, and meet with a range of grassroots organisations, politicians and intellectuals about the radical changes being implemented in their country.

Accommodation, transport and English translation within Venezuela will be organised for participants, and the total cost of joining the brigade from Australia will be approximately A$4500. This includes international airfares and taxes (from Australia – contact the organisers if you’d like to join the brigade from somewhere else in the world), accommodation for the nine days (twin-share basis), food and transport within Venezuela, and the brigade registration fee (A$500).

The deadline for registering for the December brigade is October 31, 2009, but please get in touch earlier if you are interested in participating, or just interested in finding out more about future brigades. Email


A heartfelt welcome to AVSN and the brigades. I am an English langauge interpreter and translator, and would like to participate in your program in a pro-bono basis. We are on a path that will save the world from the greedy maneuvers of capitalism. Congratulations, your undertaking is of the greatest consequence.