Hugo Chavez presente!

March 6, 2013 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – Venezuela's revolutionary leader Hugo Chavez has died. The Venezuelan people will face the enormous challenge of continuing their socialist revolution without unifying and mobilising figure of Chavez, who has been at the forefront of deepening and extending its radical course.

Green Left Weekly's Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, reported from Venezuela:

Venezuelan media today announced that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died.

At approximately 5.30pm local time on March 5, Vice-President Nicolas Maduro addressed the nation, stating that after nearly three months of treatment in Cuba and Venezuela, Chavez passed away in the Dr. Carlos Arvelo military hospital in Caracas.

“Those who die for life, can’t be called dead”, he stated, after announcing that the president has lost his two year battle with cancer.

Hugo Chavez, who was 58-years-old, was re-elected president in October 2012 (for the fifth time since 1998) on a platform of deepening the popuar and democratic socialist revolution his government has been leading. The Bolviarian revolution has greatly reduced poverty, nationalised strategic industries and promoted a range of new forms of participatory democracy.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal, and its sister publication Green Left Weekly, sends its deepest condolences to the people of Venezuela and Latin America, and to all those around the globe who have been inspired both by Hugo Chavez's political struggle against exploitation and oppression, and his personal struggle against the deadly disease that finally struck him down.

Our mission statement states that, "Inspired by the unfolding socialist revolution in Venezuela, as well as the continuing example of socialist Cuba, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal is a journal for 'Socialism of the 21st century', and the discussions and debates flowing from that powerful example of socialist renewal."

In that spirit, Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal pledges its deep solidarity with Venezuelan people as they continue their revolution in the name of Hugo Chavez. Please follow analysis of those developments as they unfold with us at our Venezuela page HERE.

Readers are also urged to follow the developments at Green Left Weekly and Venezuelanalysis.

If you would like to join the solidarity movement with Venezuela, please visit the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network web page.


i just heard of his passing, he will me remembered well by many all over the world and missed by his people.
i feel as though a light in a harsh land has just gone out.
time to adjust to such a loss..


When the world was gasping under the macabre dance of Capital rejuvenated, when Soviet Union was not there, when China & vietnam capitulated, it was Hugo who brought a breeze of relief to all who wish a crimson future of world of workers' control. On behalf of Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, we feel always that the beacon light of Hugo and the Chavista movement will always show us the path toward socialism of the producers, of the toiling masses and against imperialism.

Chavez is present among us , among every movement against injustice, among every move for the rights of the people. We would see him around as always.

Hasta Siempre Comrade Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias!


Just to say;
Hasta siempre Comandante. Presente.
“He believed that the government of the country should be used to empower the masses, not the few. He understood democracy and basic human desires for a dignified life. His legacy in his nation, and in the hemisphere, will be assured, as the people he inspired continue to strive for a better life for the poor and downtrodden.” - Jose Serrano, US congressman


Rest in Peace comandante, workers everywhere will remember you as a fearless champion of the poor and oppressed.


Dear Comrades,

The Venice Chapter of the California Peace and Freedom Party offers its sympathy and solidarity to the people of Venezuela

who have suffered the loss of their socialist champion, President Hugo Chavez. Hugo Chavez was a tireless leader and socialist light for all.

He improved the lives of the Venezuelan people, especially the poor and the downtrodden.

President Chavez will forever be an inspiration all over the world to those who value peace and justice and long to end poverty and suffering.

May the people of Venezuela remain strong and join together to keep Hugo’s socialist dream alive.

Que Viva La Revolución

Venice Chapter,

Peace and Freedom Party


Really sad news for all venezualian and world has lost great leader :'( RIP #RespecT


The man had tremendous charisma and will to live, I think it was a great fighter for his country he loved more than his life