Join the 2010 `May Day’ solidarity brigade to Venezuela! April 24 - May 2, 2010

Registrations close February 1, 2010
The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network’s brigades to Venezuela are a once-in-a-lifetime experience - the opportunity to see first-hand an unfolding revolution that is not only radically transforming the lives of Venezuelans, but is challenging the greed, exploitation and destructiveness of global capitalism by showing that a better world is possible.
Join the AVSN’s “May Day” solidarity brigade, to run from April 24 to May 2, 2010, and visit worker-run factories and cooperatives; free, high-quality public health and education programs; Indigenous controlled programs of sustainable economic development and environmental repair; and community controlled TV and radio stations.
Observe “popular power” at work in Venezuela’s new communal councils, and speak to a wide range of grassroots organisations, community activists, trade unions and government representatives about the radical changes being implemented by the Venezuelan people.
And join tens of thousands of Venezuelans at the May Day rally in the capital city, Caracas, on international workers’ day, May 1.
The 2010 May Day brigade is the 10th solidarity tour to Venezuela organised by the AVSN. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness the remarkable Bolivarian revolution.
Reports and photos from previous AVSN brigades are posted at We are also happy to put you in touch with people who have participated in AVSN brigades, if you would like to find out more.
Brigade registration and costs
The deadline for registering for the 2010 May Day brigade is February 1, 2010. To obtain a registration form, please email or visit
Participants will need to book their own international airfares, but the AVSN can help with advice.
Accommodation, transport and English-Spanish translation within Venezuela will all be organised for brigade participants.
You will need to budget for a total cost of approximately $4000. This will cover: international return airfares and taxes; accommodation (twin-share basis); transport and basic food while you are in Venezuela; and the brigade registration fee ($500 for workers, $300 for students or pensioners).
For more information, email or phone Jim McIlroy 0423 741 734 or Lisa Macdonald 0413 031 108.
Saludos, soy de Venezuela y
Saludos, soy de Venezuela y apoyo esta iniciativa. Estamos dispuesto a luchar por este proceso aqui, y en cualquier parte del mundo.