Karl Marx

Dollars versus Earth

To save the environment, we must end the profit system

Ian Angus talks about capitalism, metabolic rifts, degrowth and ecosocialism.
Feuerback and Marx

1843-1844: Marx’s Feuerbachian phase

Jason Devine — If Marx did not break with idealism thanks to Feuerbach, then the following questions arise: did Feuerbach actually influence Marx, and, if so, how?
From Karl Marx to Eco-Marxism

From Karl Marx to Eco-Marxism

Michael Löwy — Reflection on Marx’s contribution to an ecological perspective has made considerable progress in recent decades.
London, 30 March 2022, on the rally calling for a ceasefire in Gaza

Marx’s anti-colonialism, new sub-imperialisms and consistent internationalism in a bipolar world: An interview with Kevin B Anderson

Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx and Lenin’s writings on imperialism, why the world is becoming more bipolar and the need for consistent anti-imperialism.
Vladimir Lenin

Lenin’s socialism: Labels and realities

Paul Le Blanc — Lenin's conception of socialism, which he shared with Marx and Engels, with Eugene V. Debs and Rosa Luxemburg, and with many others, remains a possible alternative to capitalism that is worth considering and fighting for.
Communist Manifesto

Intellectual and political lessons of ‘The Communist Manifesto’ for our time

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ Communist Manifesto was published in February, 1848. It is truly a part of what Marx called world literature that capitalism has given rise to.

Hegel Marx

The dialectic in the service of revolution

Ann Robertson — The dialectic is a powerful weapon for revolutionary socialists who seek to understand our surrounding world for the purpose of changing it.

Green Marx

Discovering a Green Marx: Kohei Saito’s 'Marx in the Anthropocene'

Ryan Moore — The days when Karl Marx’s ideas were assumed to be incompatible with environmentalism and in need of greening are thankfully past, thanks in no small part to Kohei Saito’s contributions.
Ukraine placard

Marxism and Ukraine’s struggle for independence and self-determination

Jerry Harris — Independence and self-determination have been a guiding socialist principle for more than 100 years. Understanding these long-held principles is essential in the discussion regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Hegel and Marx

How Hegelian was Marx? A contribution to the history of Marx and Young Hegelianism

Jason Devine — Reading what Lenin wrote about Marx can really only tell us what the former thought about the latter. It is best to refer back to actual sources. In this way we can see that the idea Marx was a Hegelian idealist is pure myth.

The Relevance of Marx at 200

By Doug Enaa Greene May 10,

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