British Labour Party

Jeremy Corbyn and supporters

Britain: The right after Sunak — and the left‑wing alternative

Phil Hearse — As Britain grapples with the aftermath of its recent general election, the political landscape is shifting dramatically. With the Labour left marginalised and the far-right Reform UK surging, the implications for Britain's future and the international scene are profound.

British elections: Majority without a mandate (plus statement by Anti*Capitalist Resistance)

Richard Seymour — A majority without a mandate, and a landslide that isn’t a landslide. Labour won 64% of the seats with 34% of the vote, the smallest ever vote share for a party taking office.
election results

Britain: Six takeaways from the local and mayoral elections

Dave Kellaway examines what we have learnt from the recent local and mayoral elections.

Britain: Gordon Brown’s self-exoneration rings hollow

Review by Alex Miller My Life, Our Times
By Gordon Brown
Bodley Head, £16.99, 500 pages December 13, 2018 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — Gordon Brown went from being a creditable left-wing British Labour MP in the 1980s to Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) under Tony Blair from 1997-2007 and then Prime Minister from 2007, until his defeat at the hands of the Conservatives in 2010. As co-architect of New Labour, he became a champion of business elites, the private sector, the ultra-wealthy, globalisation, private finance initiatives (PFIs), public-private partnerships (PPP), privatisation, financialisation, and just about any neoliberal policy you care to mention. In this dismal and depressing autobiography, he attempts to portray himself as a progressive opponent of neoliberalism and tries to relieve himself of culpability in New Labour disasters, such as the invasion of Iraq in 2003.