British Labour Party

Starmer Farage

Britain: Resisting Faragism means rescuing the Good Life

Jonas Marvin looks at what it will take to escape Faragism’s magnetic force field.
Cold homes kill protest

British Labour’s winter fuel allowance: Ecosocialism versus ageism, austerity and poverty

Liz Lawrence explores the direction of the Labour government and what remains of the Labour Left. She also discusses pensioners’ poverty and resistance, and how ecosocialists should respond.
Protest in France against Le Pen and Macron

‘The left should not be making concessions, but dictating its terms’: Boris Kagarlitsky on the far right threat, British Labour, and the French left’s chances of success

Boris Kagarlitsky — The influence of the far right has kept growing in precisely the degree to which the left has retreated from its previous class politics.
Le Pen Melenchon

The far right and radical left after the European and French elections

Pablo Stefanoni looks at the recent European and French elections — in which the former saw a strong showing for the far right while the latter resulted in a win for the broad left — and what it means for both sides.
Jeremy Corbyn and supporters

Britain: The right after Sunak — and the left‑wing alternative

Phil Hearse — As Britain grapples with the aftermath of its recent general election, the political landscape is shifting dramatically. With the Labour left marginalised and the far-right Reform UK surging, the implications for Britain's future and the international scene are profound.

British elections: Majority without a mandate (plus statement by Anti*Capitalist Resistance)

Richard Seymour — A majority without a mandate, and a landslide that isn’t a landslide. Labour won 64% of the seats with 34% of the vote, the smallest ever vote share for a party taking office.
election results

Britain: Six takeaways from the local and mayoral elections

Dave Kellaway examines what we have learnt from the recent local and mayoral elections.

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