
Canada South Africa

Canada and the South African genocide charges against Israel at the ICJ

The Socialist Project joins a growing chorus of organizations and individuals supporting the South African case and calling on the Canadian government to do the same.
Malaysia solidarity Palestine

Building international solidarity with the Palestinians

Antoine Larrache & Terry Conway — Israel’s offensive against Gaza has sparked a worldwide revolt unlike any other issue.
Canada Ukraine protest

Canadian left responses to war in Ukraine: A provisional balance sheet

Richard Fidler — Russia’s massive invasion of Ukraine, the prompt mobilization of resistance by Ukrainians, and the quick shift toward public support for NATO in much of Europe, confronted the international Left and progressive forces with some major challenges. The Left in Canada was no exception.
OTA Chair Joan Kuyek and Alderman John Sewell at panel on Tenant Control, Toronto.

Canada: Tenants confront the housing crisis

Richard Fidler — How Ontario tenants fought for legal security of tenure, and won.

Take the plant, save the planet (PDF pamphlet)

By Socialist Interventions

March 26, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Socialist Project — On November 26, 2018, General Motors announced a number of plant closures in North America, the largest of which was in Oshawa, Ontario. The Oshawa facility, once the largest auto complex on the continent, was to end all its assembly operations by the end of 2019.

The issue is not simply a matter of bringing the environmental movement and the labour movement together; each must be transformed if the sum is to be more than the currently limited parts. The environmental movement must raise itself to a new level by concretely engaging the working class and the labour movement must escape what for it has become an existential crisis. The threats and opportunities of the environmental crisis offer a chance for labour revival, but only if this incorporates a renewed approach to organizing, struggle, radical politics, and the maximization of informed membership participation.